My son Gene (pacoherrera9) applied to join web site so he can vote and get needed items in game. He received an email that AEM network rejected his request to join because he did not meat the requirements. What requirements? Can you plz help.
did he use one of the application forms at the top of the site ? because those are just so people can apply for staff or file ban appeals. to join the forum you just register an account with us (make sure to check for the confirmation email). actually if you just want to vote you dont need a forum account at all. but we appreciate anyone joining the forum community of course
hrm well thx for that, but not sure what or how he applied, but will let him know. All he wants is to be a member of the website much like I am. Oh and concratz on making mod "D
OK was off base on my response, thought this pertained to a different issue. Regarding his ability to join this website, that would be a "No" he never got a resolution and above suggestion by Gluupor did not make any sense to either one of us. Unless he thought we selected (Staff Applications) which we did not. He like me selected the Login/Register button at top of this website. He filled out that application which asked for name, PW, age and so forth. It finalized by telling him his registration would need to be approved by an admin, then he got the email = Gene Herrera, unfortunately, the account you registered on AEM Network did not meet membership requirements. Your account has been removed. Sorry. AEM Network Hope that helps or at least answers the question. He anxiously awaits a fix so he can join. On other note, Jerekul was going to check on his skyblock rank level and why it got removed. I told paco it was probably an oversight on some world reset that his rank needed to be done manually at one point in past couple of years that he has not played on AEM servers. If you can touch base with Jerekul on whether he looked into that matter as well, we would be highly appreciative. Quick refernce to say we will not be much help with details on rank (level, date of purchase, and such) cause it's been so long we don't recall other than to say he bought it & are almost certain it was the smallest available pkg at the time. Thx, HedgeTheHog for always being so thorough in your helpfulness... You are Awesome
Admins cannot approve accounts (turn Guests into members if that's what the mail was referring too?), that is only the owners. I have seen this same case before in two different situations, and still to this day they have not been able to create and account. I will try to find the solution as soon as possible, I apologize for this inconvenience. On the otherside with the rank notice, I have talked with @Meg1626 (Admin on Skyblock) and she is looking into it now. (Thanks Meg btw)
Hello there, I have gone ahead and given pacoherrera9 back their VIP rank. As for the forum account, I apologize for the inconvenience, but please try to register the account again. Alex has to approve them manually and I told him to keep an eye out for pacoherrera9. Thanks for being so patient with us