Hey before I start this is mainly Aimed towards Alex and Ethan, but all staff could you guys pitch in as Well please. Now we all at some point have needed to do some Redstone work, Some Simple Some Super Complex But as this being a Bukkit Server most Designs will not work because the Redstone is different, I have wanted to build a Really nice looking Elevator the Other day and would have benefited people who needed to get from my Farm to the Surface, But because of the Settings of Redstone it did not work. I know I have Heard some staff talk about it as well has Problems with Redstone and Could not get stuff to work because of So. Now to get to the Chance I am requesting that the Redstone is Looked at and please try and get it to act Normally, it will help alot of Us and be very Grateful. A Vote will be Up if you Agree so. Thank you all.
It is a Problem as Alot of Redstone Stuff I have planned on Building will not work on Survival I have gone thought like 5 Different Elevator Designs and Found one I don't like but the only one that works
Volk are anyone If you can find me a 2 x 2 car/Worm elevator that Works in the Surviial World with Proof then thank you but I have now gone through 8 Elevator Designs which none are working.
I tried to but we had /fly in creative if you disable it on survival it does not work and sometimes work with fly so annoying