Ok. I've started to take note on how fights have been starting on survival. And what I've found is that more then 80% of fights that break out in survival originate in PvP. I must say, I've seen lots of major fights break out due to PvP that start with someone winning and taking the other person's stuff. then the other person gets mad and then a huge fight is started. I don't have any suggestions on what to do with the PvP fights. I just wanted someone else to take notice on this since I've been regarding this subject for a while now. Thanks for reading this -Dragon
The thing is that it is not actually against the rules to keep someones stuff, so if someone complains then they just need to get over it, it is however illegal to tp someone there and kill them. If they go there by their own choice, its all okay.
Yes.... But I've tried to say that and explain but I've also seen fights where they agree on give backs but the other person keeps the stuff anyway after the fight ends.
Although its a dick move, it is still following the rules, and if they won't settle it, then tell a staff member. Another alternative is to tell them to message so they dont crowd out the public chat
Wait... people still play on survival? Jokes aside, I think they should make the end a non-pvp zone and have all pvp done in an arena to avoid unwanted fights. I know there are plugins that can set an area for pvp (in this case the arena) and then have a setting that before the match you can set either keep items when you die or winner gets items which would fix the problem about how people lie if they will give back items. Unfortunately, if they aren't going to do anything for the reset, I doubt they would do anything with plugins either.
The arena part yah, but do they have taking end pvp off and the plugin for the keep or loose items? I actually prefer end pvp, taking it off was just an idea for stopping the complaining/fights. Edit: I've never actually used the arena and just kept to the end pvp so I don't really know the functions they have for it.
As far as I know, there is NO pvp in the end, as in none, all pvp is either at /warp pvp or /warp zrinnn
There can be misunderstandings in pvp too. For example once I was watching a fight and couldn't see from the safe area and flew over to watch closer and I made it clear I was only watching when someone killed me and was trying to make me pay 2000 in game money for my stuff back. I called an admin and eventually the person gave me my stuff back but stuff like that happens a lot causing the fights and it can't really be stopped. Like people coming and cussing, advertising, or spamming, even though theres a punishment thats widely known people still do it. Also I'm pretty sure pvp's only aloud at /warp pvp. Its not even aloud in towns.
there is pvp in the end. Says so on the signs when you arrive and also you can toggle your town so pvp is aloud in a certain area or the whole town
Besides that. I remember an admin said even though pvp is automatic in towns it has to be turned off.
A long time ago I was given permission to make an arena in my town with pvp on, but this was more than a year ago so it could be different now. Never ended up making it anyways.