Well, I'm enjoying my day on AEM, when I see this. View attachment 1723 I don't think this is fair at all to be honest. I'm sure a lot of players would love to have their heads, but no, we can't get them. Anyways, I think that if he gets his own head, we should get ours. P.S. I realize that a lot of staff have their own heads, but they're staff; but non staff? You get the point...
Sorry, I saw this and then talked to Delvin and Trubs but forgot to answer. Jason was one of the players who helped us test new commands, among them giving player heads, after we went 1.8 and that is how he got his head. I know I hope we can make these items more readily available to all players soon or at least do contests or have them as some kind of reward eventually.
No promises, but I'll talk to Trubs and Delvin, see if we can come up with something. And yes, he was allowed to keep his head for being our test subject.
some of us know that sometimes when a wither is spawned it leaves 3 skeleton skulls and i think those skelly skulls should be used for our heads or using a wither skelly head
Technically the head would be spawned in, and us other players don't have an opportunity to get our own head :/
Maybe there is some confusion. Jason was one of the players that helped us test things on skyblock with 1.8. What was tested was the whole getting blow up by charged creepers and dropping of heads. His head wasn't spawned in, he died by a charged creeper. I can see why that is still unfair, since you all didn't get the chance to die by charged creeper also to get your head, but since he helped us test, we didn't feel right taking it away from him :/