So me and rinne are building a town cr7joyce, shredder_101 and dutchflame_ are here I told them to leave cos there annoying me and they wont :/
U could ask it nice. All you did was saying that we are fuckedup faggots. So is it weird that we didn't?
Breh this is facs 2.0 this would only be a warning, but on facs 1.0 (Real facs) this would be a perma ban. Duh. (referring to the language part)
Ha ha ha ha. Rinne invited me here and u started cussing like a friggin maniac to all of us. What gives u the right to drive us away if rinne allows us here? And when i was talking to lucky adler and said u couldnt delete comments, for no reason u called ny mom a comment. Wtf is wrong with u??? Picking a fight with everyone else thinking u r superior... Im disgusted
I'm not being rude cos i was banned. I'm being rude because your all annoying me AND STICKING YOUR HEAD INTO STUFF THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!