Ok. I really do like factions and AEM, but this... This has gotten too far. First of all, I want the damn clearlag to be unplugged. It is so meaningless to have one of those. Or at least countdown when it's going for it! It takes so much valuables and items, How am I supposed to react when we're trading and my or his items get cleared before I even pick it up! Second of all, Fix the FUCKING SHOP PRICE GOD DAMNIT We say creeper spawners hurt our economy. But what really destroys economy is damn shop price and it makes factions no fun MOB SPAWNERS ARE NOT OBTAINABLE!!! If you have enough money to buy 2 hostile mob spawners from the shop, YOU'RE THE RICHEST ON THE SERVER! and WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO SELL??? Do any of staff even play factions?? Bloody is the only one who is against the shop price. Third of all, When are my mcmmo credits coming back!? Also, I got the wrong amount of credits after reset. I was Titan like everyone else but didn't receive the credits from lower ranks. DO ANY OF THE SERVER STAFF PLAY FACTIONS? DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT THE SERVER? Well... This.. This... is so meaningless! Read the damn articles!
alot of staff do play Factions, clearlag removes items because if items stack up it will cause lag and it does have a countdown. we are working on fixing the issue with creeper spawners. you got MCMMO credits for the ranks you have bought, not for every rank before the one you had
You are right @bluemushroom the shop prices are ridiculous and a lot of people have asked for it to be changed but nothing has happened. Factions isn't completely dead but is definitely dying. There used to be over 50 on at all times now it averages around 25-30 and out of those people hardly anyone likes to pvp. Things need to change and improve if we want the server to be what it once was, shop prices, double the time between clearlag because it happens too often. Bloody is probably the only serious faction player that is staff you are right about that.
Clearlag does have a countdown, but it only warns after 60 seconds and 20 seconds. Also, it is quite unfair that I only get 650 MCMMO credits because I skipped VIP through Warlord when other Titans get over 1500 mcmmo credits after donating exact same amount of money.
I have to agree that clearlag is quite the nuisance. All too often have I lost important items because clearlag has sneaked up on me. I am often too busy mining or fighting too pay close enough attention to the chat and all too often i miss the clearlag messages until it is too late. I understand the reason for clearlag and agree that it is needed but it would be nice if there were less instances and more noticable warnings almost like the message that comes up when you first join the aem server. As for the amount of people on at any given time, ive seen it go from 60+ to just myself and my faction members, so it really does fluctuate and depend on when you are on. When it comes to factions, it is my understanding that it isnt just about pvp but also about overall survival and building up your mcmmo levels. Pvp is fun but, at least in my experience, it isnt about skill anymore but about how many potions and god apples you have; this along with the over-consumption of invisibility potions makes for a very un-fair and meaningless pvp fight. I enjoy pvp as much ad the next guy and have a chest of heads to prove it, but I truly think you would see more pvp if people weren't so hell-bent on robbing everyone of their items and heads. People have become afraid of loosing what little they have and so they hide and avoid pvp at all cost. all this being said, I truly; deeply enjoy factions and the AEM server as a whole and do not see myself leaving anytime soon.
Bloody (in my opinion) is the best staff but I do admit that he isn't the most serious at times. there are a lot of other staff that play though... fats_x cross_knight volkrot zrinne. I like that bloody can actually take a joke though... unlike others
You have to be taking the piss when you say Volk and zrinne are on a lot... they do not play anywhere near enough to be able to judge what needs to be done about Factions.
i am on all the servers alot, and even if i am not on it, i still have people working for me and telling about the glitches/bugs
in like other servers Btw when I say bloody isn't serious at times I mean it in a good way its good to be like that he is not a jerk but is an admin Bloodyjt = perfect admin. all staff do their best to be good and just because they aren't on factions all the time isn't cuz they don't play enough its cuz they have other servers to play/work on I think there isn't much wrong with staff so I think they should keep up the good work.
Alex is busy studying and I think that is the biggest problem. Maybe someone should take his place temporarily.