Hello AEM Survivors! I'd like to leave this thread right ere for everyone to make suggestions for what they'd like to see fixed, added to, updated, reinvented, etc. as far as our Survival experience. We want to hear from you, the players, as to what is going well, what isn't, whatever YOU guys think would make AEM's Survival a more enjoyable experience for all players, new and old alike. I will keep this post as updated as is humanly possible when new suggestions or ideas come in. (Please note that all OP, non-helpful, or "this thing sucks, get rid of it" posts will promptly be ignored and deleted. I want to see mature, organized, and well thought out suggestions please and thank you. ) Suggestions: Map reset Set date for pit reset each month Sponges or something to protect areas, some places are continually griefed Update Survival to full 1.8 and reset, will fix many known issues Add drop down in the End to prevent spawn campers Consider letting players keep their money upon reset Advanced notice of reset(20 - 30 days) Have PvP arenas in the End clearly marked Add special event days Add /town chat Additions: Additional End/Nether worlds(possible End with no Pvp)? PvP Tourneys once a week between nations and/or towns Add golden shovel protection plug in to create protected areans Add new features upon reset(ie: land protection) Add a free town to join for players just starting out, limit the number of days players can live there Add better admin buy/sell shop Add /disguise back Fixes: Fix the towny bank issue PLEASE! Adjust clearlag so it doesn't take picture frames Alright guys, this is your chance to be heard! GO!
Hello, Pits: Should have a schedule day to be reset, example every 15th (Ides of each month ) of the month. Sometimes they are going over a month. Protection: I would suggest getting something to protect areas, some of the grief is the same places all the time.
Well, I use to play survival a lot, but just bring back the sponges. Boom. Also for skyblock, our ''pit'' is the end/nether. It hasnt been reset since around August.... Its suppose to reset every month also
I think they do have a reset date. I know they use to. It use to be the 7th or 8th of each month I believe, but just was ignored like 5 months ago.
Update fully to 1.8 with a reset. Just about every issue we have on Survival can be fixed by a simple reset and plugin updates. Doing so will allow us to fix towny issues and hopefully get rid of the block lag we experience in the time between when a griefer hits a town and how long it takes for blocks to respawn. Currently, the gap is too great and griefers run off and unload the chunk and it doesn't repair properly, leaving an "Unspecified Action" that can only be repaired by hand instead of via our rollback command. Town banks fail daily upon server resets if there is too much money in it. Players shouldn't have to remain so vigilant to make sure their town doesn't fall within a day of starting it. Not to mention the discouragement a failed town causes. You may not get back the people who were in your town, starting it over again, etc. Players are getting kicked from towns for no apparent reason. An update to towny would likely help solve this issue as well. This should also allow us to update other plugins such as disguise and the mob arena, as well as properly named auctions for 1.8 items, and for 1.8 items, such as armor stands, new fence, gate and door types to be recognized by our logblock tool. And for those doors and gates to be able to be locked. The world has been running for over a year, is damaged in many areas, has old builds that are griefed into ruin, old builds and grief that have no data due to age, a large slice taken out of the world by mistake of a former staff member, etc. Yes, some people get bummed about a reset, especially when they've just gotten settled, or are working on a large project. However, the majority of players are excited about a reset and it always brings in more players, as well as reigniting the mc flame in our old players and brings them back for more.
Just a quick idea, adding a special End and Nether version of it pit, that way you can make End and Nether bases without having to worry about "monthly" resets. Also I want to pump the idea about land protection, I was recently griefed FIVE days in a row, twice one of those days.
I don't think we have the server space to add 2 additional worlds. It would also likely lead to more confusion as people often already get confused as to which is the build world and which is the pit despite the bold red warning every 5 minutes telling them not to build in that world.
I fully support a full reset on the survival server and we need it bad their so many problems and with the update it can fix all that.
also @Pottsa19 s idea is really good ive always wanted to make an ender base but never got the chance
That is true, I see your point, but I think that the end, could just have a second island, and the first has PvP and mining, while the second has no PvP. (Just an idea, I don't know, but it would be cool.) The nether would be tough, I see that now.
One of the benefits or purchasing levels is we receive in game money. It would be a small consolation to give the cash benefit of your rank at reset.
I have another suggestion: A modified Survival game. Utilizing the nations part of the plugin. Everyone has to join one of two or three nations. Towns set their allegiance to those nations. Then on Saturday the server activates a PVP tourney that pits nation versus nation. The winning nation gets access to part of the world full of goody chests that will unlock only to them for one period of time. Battling for resources. Not raiding war but some portion of conflict. PVP, Bragging rights, nationalistic pride, booty it has it all!
I fully object to a Reset to survival, because their are so many wonderful things that have been created and have taken ages to create, their must be other ways that everything can be fixed, but I will go for a Reset if we can have some of our creations backup and placed in the new world. this allows alot of the players who play everyday to keep their great creations Eg like my Shop and /warp point it has taken be so so long to get to where I am now and I really don't want to loose it all , But if creations can be backed up then I shall go with the reset. Their is a Plugin where you can use Golden shovels to create protected land, you can make it from about 5 by infinity I just can't remember what it is, it was very Helpful and Completely stops griefers if our creations are protected as Such. These are some of my ideas for the moment.