Hello AEM Skywarers! I'd like to leave this thread right here for everyone to make suggestions for what they'd like to see fixed, added to, updated, reinvented, etc. as far as our Skywars experience. We want to hear from you, the players, as to what is going well, what isn't, whatever YOU guys think would make AEM's Skywars a more enjoyable experience for all players, new and old alike. I will keep this post as updated as is humanly possible when new suggestions or ideas come in. (Please note that all OP, non-helpful, or "this thing sucks, get rid of it" posts will promptly be ignored and deleted. I want to see mature, organized, and well thought out suggestions please and thank you. ) Suggestions: New maps/Biomes! New spawn New kits Remove cold biomes? Redo pyro kit(add something with fire ) Additions: Add wood in chests or trees to every map Add /realname for all Add more 8 player maps Add more staff Fixes: Fix kit glitch Fix self kill Fix lava Alright guys, this is your chance to be heard! GO!
adding at least 12 wood in every chest or a tree on every map. cause if u have no weapon no blocks and no tree your just dead meat. happened to me a few times
and also maybe cold biomes removed cause it sucks when u just got to the top by swimming and the water freezes
Can you add a new map, Something that is a 6/6 players. Maybe a new Biome like a water Biome or a Swamp Biome
1:get rid of quartz (8 player) 2:make the lava work normal 3:more 8 player maps 4:all types of leather armor, stone swords, string, arrows, sticks, flint, feathers, dirt, buckets, and feather falling 2 leather boots in the chests 5:some more staff on skywars 6:a kit with gold chestplate and knockback 1 wooden sword 7:ik u said don't say it but the kits need to be nerfed, really
I've been playing in skywars for years and these maps are getting kind of old. I can make some maps or if some staff want to get some that would be great. Also the spawn is getting kind of old so if it is possible to make a new one that would be great.
There is already a new spawn built Would you guys be interested in doing a map building contest or something?
Yes, Meg me and some friends all ready have some maps for you to look at. If you want I will be on for a while tonight and you can just reach me on AEM.
what about /c (like in skyblock) for skywars? (I made a longer post about it already, its somewhere under skywars =P)
Hey I made some sky wars maps today if anyone wants to see them, plz feel free to msg me and i will tp u to them!
www.youtube.com/sportsdudes2 If you enjoy playing sky wars and you want to have a laugh, click on my YouTube channel and plz comment, rate, subscribe. Thank you and have a great day!