Hello AEM Skygriders! I'd like to leave this thread right here for everyone to make suggestions for what they'd like to see fixed, added to, updated, reinvented, etc. as far as our Skygrid experience. We want to hear from you, the players, as to what is going well, what isn't, whatever YOU guys think would make AEM's Skygrid a more enjoyable experience for all players, new and old alike. I will keep this post as updated as is humanly possible when new suggestions or ideas come in. (Please note that all OP, non-helpful, or "this thing sucks, get rid of it" posts will promptly be ignored and deleted. I want to see mature, organized, and well thought out suggestions please and thank you. ) Suggestions: RESET PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF SKYGRID RESET! Spawner change to include the following: Witches, Wolf, Ocelot, Rabbits, Horse, Creeper, Pigman, Magma cream, Slime, Squid (see Hedge's suggested spawner changes for each rank as well here: https://aemservers.net/threads/official-skygrid-suggestion-thread.7613/) Sponsor and Skygod should get 2 warps Reduce /kit eggs to 15 days as 30 days is too long Donor kits should change to the following: (https://aemservers.net/threads/official-skygrid-suggestion-thread.7613/#post-43245) Kit tools changed to every day with the addition of an axe Remove the /ps flag invincible (allow/deny), makes things too easy for players Rules at spawn be easily accessible/in greater detail. Spawn/Admin Shop: look into better prices. Lottery rate change. Slime/Squid spawners should be able to spawn their mobs with less requirements of specifics needed. Remove wool from the grid, this will make wool-needed objects harder to obtain, making the overall game more entertaining . Additions: Add in all 1.8 blocks with reset Shop updates: Add in Netherrack, Nether brick, Quartz, Glowstone, Soul sand, & Slime blocks Grid updates: Add in Bookshelves, Slime blocks, All tree logs, TNT, & Quartz blocks in the nether The ability to silk touch spawners, even a "one-time" deal pickaxe from the shop Elite should receive /nick as perk Colored chat and colored signs should be implemented Add Clearlag to Skygrid! Ability to restock/refill chests in the grid Add /seen for all Top Warps and Shops at spawn. (by weekly votes [all players]) Adding the plugin Holographic Displays . Fixes: Sponge Permission fix Fix issue where players spawn in liquids & fall to their deaths(ie: water next to sugarcane blocks) Staff should have the ability to track spawner changes so donor cannot abuse the ability Alright guys, this is your chance to be heard! GO!
Hello, Here are my thoughts. Spawner change to include the following Witches Wolf Ocelot Rabbits Horse Creepers Pigman Magma cream Slime Squid Shop updates Netherrack Nether brick Quartz Glowstones Soul sand Slime blocks We have some at the shop in the PVP warp now but I'm not sure if they are moving it over or not for the reset. Grid updates for in the wild block Bookshelves Slime Blocks All the tree logs TNT Quartz blocks in the nether For Donators For sponsor and skygod should be able to get two warps Reduce kit eggs 15 days (30 days is extreme)
Piggy back on Snow's spawners... I'd like to suggest these possible spawner changes for each rank: The abilities for each donor rank maybe? It's kind of evened out and etc. I'd like to suggest the ability to pickup spawners. Either silk touch or maybe some kind of way to buy a 'one-time pickaxe' from a Server's Shop. Defaults allowed to set more than 1 home, one for main world and another for the Nether OR End. **EDIT** Staff needs to be able to track spawner changes, so Donors cannot abuse the ability of it. I will find my other suggestion documents when I get home this is just a quick post
./nick should be given to the Elite rank, unlike other ranks it has no special perk addition. Color chat and color signs should be implanted. ClearLag should, to reduce counts of lag. I believe the ./ps flag invincible (allow/deny) should be removed. It is too easy for players.
If/When the reset happens, have ability to refill the grid chests, I know this WILL be hard to manage, though I feel with the creation of the world a plugin or something notes ALL CHESTS that was NATURALLY created... and like every 2 months they refill IF, they haven't been mined and replaced. This can be helpful to knew players that get discouraged when they find a chest that's empty their first time and assume that all are empty
That's a great idea hedge, I remember the first time I found a chest, it had a chain chestplate and an iron door :3 But then I learned that the end had chests too, with better things such as spawn eggs. One time, I got lucky and found a horse egg in an overworld chest
Funny that hedge mentioned the refilling of chests as i was planning on doing that instead of doing drop parties. I don't think bookshelves or tnt should be added to the grid but all logs should. Also agree with snows suggestion of 2 warps for higher ranks. Also cross-knights list of kits is a great idea, although i would add looting to the swords. And maybe a mod or admin can create a wall in spawn with all the rules in detail. p.s. nearly finished my insane amount of paperwork at my job so i should be back online in a week or so.....hope reset has happened by then lol
I feel like I should travel across the end and fill like 5 or 6 chests full of awesome goodies... That will be my kind of give away before the reset. also, there should be a wall at spawn with the top 10 shops and warps.
I personally feel that the looting would be to over powered and should not be added if looting is wanted then how to get it should be enchanting otherwise stick to the kits and don't have it. personal preference.
find 10 amazing shops, put them on a wall, and monitor then on a weekly basis. I can even help with this, and report back to staff of out needs to be updated. If a shop no longer meets standards, others will be looked at to see if they qualify.
maybe we could make some sort of player vote system, so they vote for their top 3 favorite shops each week? I'd we had a number of people vote, out wouldn't be as biased.