Hello AEM Creative! I'd like to leave this thread right here for everyone to make suggestions for what they'd like to see fixed, added to, updated, reinvented, etc. as far as our Creative experience. We want to hear from you, the players, as to what is going well, what isn't, whatever YOU guys think would make AEM's Creative a more enjoyable experience for all players, new and old alike. I will keep this post as updated as is humanly possible when new suggestions or ideas come in. (Please note that all OP, non-helpful, or "this thing sucks, get rid of it" posts will promptly be ignored and deleted. I want to see mature, organized, and well thought out suggestions please and thank you. ) Suggestions: New spawn(already being worked on) .Donor kits altered Remove //set 166 as barrier blocks are illegal Additions: Colored chat for certain ranks Clear signs stating what is not allowed when you spawn in (i.e barrier blocks) The use of pet spawn eggs for certain ranks Fixes: Alright guys, this is your chance to be heard! GO!
The use of pet spawn eggs for certain ranks. Clear signs stating what is not allowed when you spawn in i.e barrier blocks Donor kits altered As much as i hate to say it color chat for certain donor ranks The inability to place mine carts fixed
Weren't minecarts removed due to people make tracks and having them run into others plots or the lane things between plots?
I dunno the answer to that question Diamonds so I added it in until get the answer but thank you for letting me know about it. I appreciate it.
They were, but i think we should give it another chance i know people build massive coasters and not being able to test them seems a shame
I think creative should get //wand for normal players with restrictions because sometimes it takes too much time for me to do anything on there so i do it on a private server..
Do you think maybe Creative could have a bigger plot size? Just wondering, because many times I have ran out of space to build.
Sloopyrj12345, you use world edit, by voting, then you place a piston, then redstone behind it, then in front of the piston, do //set skull;Sloopyjr12345, then you put a redstone torch behind the redstone, then the head will pop off the ground, where you can pick it up. Have fun.
I think we should get /d back. I know that it causes lag or whatever but It was really fun to run around as a boat or whatever. Also, maybe a separate area for role plays or in-plot chat? Like you could have what you say just show up on your plot. I've seen people want to have an rp server.
I agree with Sweetie, we should have /d back. If we don't get it, they should remove it on the rank perk signs, because some users may be paying for it and are unable to use it. A few more suggestions: - /afk for all users - The ability to go to any user's plot at any time (/p home (name)) - A helper/amateur admin rank so users who are serious about becoming staff can have a trial of what it's like. - /marry So you can get closer to someone! A great way to bond with your close friends. - A staff member on at most times. I often find myself waiting for a staff member to help me when something is happening, and it's quite unpleasant. That's all of my suggestions for now. I hope you seriously consider these, because I believe it would greatly improve AEM Creative and increase it's popularity.