I got this from Evanyoshi and Pip so I decided to make 1! Enjoy reading xD Age? 12 Birthday? July 8th 2002 Timezone? Central Time zone Gender? Male. What would you do if you were the opposite of your gender? Twerk Status? Skylord on Skyblock & Supporter on Skywars How long have you been playing? I joined AEM a while ago when my brother Diamonds1358 introduced me to it lol, and I went inactive for a while, and started to play KitPvP when I got my razor mouse, which made it quite fun. I wanna get back into Skyblock now, but tend to get bored to easily lol. (Sure this happens to a lot xD) How often are you online and for how long? Well i'm homeschooled so whenever I have the time. Biggest accomplishment on this server? Being a Nub Favorite event that occurs on the server? Competing in the 1st UHC event Best thing that ever happened to you? Getting Skylord on here, or becoming level 8 in gymnastics (Search it if you wanna know what that is lol) Worst thing that ever happened to you? Seeing my bro ig, or otherwise nothing really bad, besides maybe my Great grandmother passing away when I was 5 ._. Words/Phrases you say frequently? xD Your greatest fear? You (Jk) probably heights xD Most recent embarassing thing that happened to you? When I was younger and got lost in a mall and started screeching lol Favorite member(s) who plays on this server and why? DelvinC he's pretty nice and rich Favorite Animal? Panda Favorite Colour? Slime green Favorite Book? Don't have 1, if I had to say 1 Hardy Boys series Favorite Movie? Harry Potter Favorite TV Show? ESPN (Sportsnation) Favorite item/block? Slimeballs Favorite mob? Slime Favorite vacation spot? Dolphin Island, Alabama Favorite place to be alone? Hotel lol Favorite thing to do with your spare time? Baseball Favorite person you enjoy spending time with? Probably with Sean (Diamonds1358) playing basketball or baseball Favorite biome? Flower Forest Favorite tree? (intended for minecraft but maybe you actually have a favorite tree-type in real life) Acacia Favorite thing to do when nobody is looking? Front flips or dancing Something that made you laugh ridiculously hard. Seeing a random person fall face first on ice xD (My crude humor lol) Something you wish was added to vanilla minecraft. Koalas Something you wish existed. Slime people Something you wish was still around. Probably saber tooth tigers lol Something you with this server had or had at some point and want back. TDM (Team Deathmatch) or Mapcrashers Something you're extremely talented at or have a thing for. Gymnastics If you're in school: School year/grade? 6th grade Favorite Academic/statutory Class? History, because it's the easiest xD Favorite Class/Period? Free time I guess? Homeschooled lol In any sports? Gymnastics (Baseball free time) In any clubs? Nah Worst class? English lol screw commas!! Worst grade you have ever gotten? 26 on a test Any Accomplishments throughout highschool? (Sports-wise or Academically) Not in high school lol What do you do when you're bored in class? I don't have class technically lol or well doodle Are you a procrastinator or get it done right away type student? Procrastinate Are you an overachiever or under achiever? Middle lol Do you have a job? Chores I guess xD? Where do you see yourself ten years into the future? Hopefully junior olympics/ olympics if I continue at the pace i'm at in Gymnastics School Project that made you proud of yourself? Don't have 1 xD Have you started a family/gotten married? Nah Kids? If so, number of and how many? 26 slime children Hope you all enjoyed