a lot of people agree with this: we NEED more staff. there is barely any staff on. i understand its hard to find good people. but i came up with a new rank for people like me. so it would be called assistant, you need to be 13-15 years old for it. (for me thats next year February unfortunately.) so here are the details of assistant. normal assistant would have no prefix just the things but their name would be pink instead of like <<PREMIUM>>Dr_Awesome/Dr_Emerald/Dr_Minechat it would be <<PREMIUM>>Dr_Awesome/Dr_Emerald/Dr_Minechat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We would be able to rollback grief and see who did the grief We will be able to kick people but not ban them maybe be able to temp ban people for things like advertising until a Mod/admin/maneger can get on and properly ban. build things for the server. like pit spawn, etc. etc. (end of thinking capacity) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ assistant plus will be able to ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- all of assistants things ban gets a prefix that says ASSISTANT
In my opinion these are 2 ranks we already have, the first one being called helper, yes some servers don't have it but most of them do. The second one is called mod, the perms you are suggesting are the same as both those ranks pretty much. Also just to add to this you don't need to be staff to be helpful.
We do not have helper anymore, its a wasted rank. All this staff is what mods do therefore renders these ranks pointless. I think the answer is just more staff of the current ranks provided, this is a good idea but also you have to understand how hard it is to pick a new staff member, a lot of things have to go into consideration before this can happen. Player history, time online, the way they present themselves in chat, time zones, age, time spent on the network in general, knowledge of commands and plugins. To find someone that meets all them is really hard, I can assure you the senior staff are trying to find these people all the time.
Same thing as what they both said. If there are more staff ranks, that doesn't mean there will be more staff, and the staff ranks we have now are good.
"Assistant" rank sounds exactly as Helper rank was. Helper was basically the trial period of a player being staff. And "being able to see ... and rollback grief" is all apart of the prerequisite of anti-grief plugin knowledge. We are looking for more staff, with a few in mind already, however its a matter of timezones not amount of staff. Honestly though (I know you probably hear this multiple times) you can aid other people without being staff. But its true! I would always help out my friends before I was chosen as staff. Some players saw me in a leadership aspect when I was only trying to help solve problems. And actually that is what we look for in players! So I do not think we will be resurrecting Helper rank any time soon.. But if you strive in your best efforts and think you're up to the challenge, make an application.
We just hired 6 new mods including myself in April/May. Not to be discouraged, but don't get your hopes too high..
I'd apply but I hardly have anything to say on forum... that and my life doesn't allow more than 4 hours a day weekdays...
Anyone can say they are staff material, bt it takes more to prove it. I've seen many players being helpful in front of the eyes of staff. The moment we leave they change 180• I would like you guys to think hard, "Why do I want to become staff" If your answer falls under: ▷ I want the prefix ▷ I want a special rank people can't buy ▷ I want power ▷ I want to be cool ▷ So I can ban people I don't like/make people listen to me for the wrong reasons. And many more, please stop becauseyoy won't get that chance. If it's just to assist, you do not need staff rank for that, you can help out the way you are. There are reasons why we removed the helper rank, we won't put anything similar. If you are willing to give up all your time to build, mine and use it to help others (you may not get a chance to play at all) then you can consider applying. You'll need a cool head because some players can be slow, trolls, down right annoying. I grew up reading people's intention so I can pick up hints easily. So please stay humble always. Best of luck! (Apologize for any misspelled words, auto correct can suck at times.)
I think Mod and Admin are good enough. But what Rinne said is very true. But yes I have to admit I agree on more staff. I do have the knowledge that other staff were appointed just a month or so ago but a lot of the older staff have faded away or retired. But rank Assistant won't do much good I think... Helper didn't work out and I don't think Assistant would (no offense) help anymore than Helper just because it is only another staff rank. If you really think about it... it is only another staff rank... It doesn't do much and if you receive it then cool you got it! But what will it truly do for the servers? All it will do really is bring another rank. I do not want to sound harsh at all but this is really how I am seeing it. Helper was just a rank for trial. Assistant wouldn't be much different. I mean sure it's a great idea! But to prove it's worth, what will it do to help the server? What will it bring to server?
This seems like a pointless rank because we have the Helper rank. If you just want to assist then just help people. You do not need a rank to prove you can help people.
Piggy back on Polo, we have a lot of new staff and promotions... Skyblock: @AtomicTNT_712 - Mod @124jeter - Promoted to ADMIN Survival- @ZhiRongPro - also promoted to ADMIN @Picaso -Promoted to ADMIN @Polo_17 - Mod Skywars- @BomberDude96 - Promoted to ADMIN @Polo_17 -Mod @Picaso -Mod @AtomicTNT_712 - Mod KitPvP @AtomicTNT_712 - Mod Factions @Tree_Killer_ - Mod Skygrid @Pop_lina - Promoted to ADMIN @NinjusBoy - Mod @EnderMist_123 (myself) -Mod We may have had a slight decrease in staff but, we are always considering other players whom may have applied. Remember, Mod and ADMIN aren't just ranks you get, they take time and dedication to earn and lots of proving to do so. Also, its not how you act when staff are online.... its how you act when we're off. P.S Feel free to comment if I missed anyone.
I applied April 2015 (note i had 3 apps before this one, March 2015, Sept 2014, and June 2014 i believe ) and was accepted May 2015