Hello Everyone! As you can see by the title of the thread, Skyblock is getting new challenges! ANY ideas would be greatly appreciated! I want to let you all know that the lapis shortage problem has been fixed! 1. Ideas for new challenges 2. Ideas on what the requirements should be for the challenges 3. What kind of reward you would possibly want for that challenge The challenges can range from being incredibly easy to just downright impossible! (We do not advise you choose it to be too hard or too easy) Please, DO NOT make the rewards too OP. Keep them somewhat reasonable or they will just be changed. You can refer yourself to the examples we have listed. If we see any sarcastic/pointless/off topic posts, they will be deleted. Our challenges that we would like your feedback on... Trashcan Collect 20 salmon, 16 poisonous potato, and 10 pufferfish Icon: Pufferfish Reward: 5 Hoppers, 10 Redstone Money: 30 Exp: 50 Repeat reward: 5 Redstone Repeat Money: 20 Repeat Exp: 25 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ironman Collect 1 set each of unenchanted, full health iron, gold, and chain armor Icon: Gold Chestplate Reward: 9 lapis, 10 diamonds, 10 emeralds, 25 obsidian Money: 400 Exp: 200 Not repeatable --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golden Bunny Craft 64 golden carrots Icon: Golden Carrot Reward: 1 rabbit spawn egg and 10 obsidian Money: 220 Exp: 170 Repeat Reward: 1 rabbit spawn egg Repeat Money: 20 Repeat Exp: 25 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We want to make sure these challenges are reasonable enough for all of you, so please, give us your thoughts! More money? More items? Make it repeatable? Change the name? The format we would happily like to see is...Name of challenge Requirement (Can be items, surrounding blocks around your MC character, or your island level)Item of challenge (Yes, we have a new UI for /c. You can have an item to click on like you see in the hub) Reward (This slot for items) Money reward (Cold hard cash reward) Exp reward (In-Game experience/levels) (ie. cactusfarmer gives 10 exp)Repeatable? Repeat reward Repeat money Repeat Exp Thank you all for your comments and suggestions!! I hope you have a wonderful time in Skyblock!
Name of challenge ChickenGuy Requirement 48 Eggs Item of challenge Eggs Reward 10 dirt Money reward 15 Exp reward 20 exp Repeatable yes Repeat 1 Repeat money 5 Repeat Exp 10 Make a party chat for islands so we don't have to keep having to do /m
Name of challenge: Rich life Requirement: 64 diamond blocks ,64 iron blocks and 64 gold blocks Reward: full set of diamond protection 5 ,unbreaking 4 thorns and projectile protection and 1 diamond sword with sharpness 5 ,unbreaking 4 and fire aspect 4 and looting 3 Money reward: $100 Exp reward: 20 Exp Repeatable: yes Repeat reward: 64 lapiz Money reward: 50$ Exp: 15 is the rewards a bit to much?
Buffet Requirement: 64 of each food but no god apples Reward: 2 mooshroom spawn eggs ,2 cow spawn eggs ,2 chicken spawn eggs and 2 bunnie spawn eggs Exp reward: 30 Money reward: 15 Repeatable: no
Name of Challenge : Guardian (Or something sea related) Requirement : Collect 16 raw fish and 8 salmon. (Open for suggestion) Icon : Prismarine Shard or Crystal Reward : 32 Prismarine Shards and 16 Prismarine Crystals Exp. : 100? (Not sure how much exp. is considered a lot) Money : 30 Repeatable? : Yes R. Reward : 16 Prismarine Shards and 8 Prismarine Crystals R. Exp. : 50 R. Money : 15
Name of challenge: Zoinks Requirement: 576 Flesh, 576 string, 576 arrows, 576 bones (36 stacks total) Item of challenge: Cobweb Reward: 10 cobwebs, 10 enchanting bottles, 3 bookshelves Money reward: 100 Exp reward: 30 Repeatable: Yes Repeat reward: 2 cobwebs, 2 enchanting bottles Repeat money: 10 Repeat Exp: 5
Name of challenge Badb_Catha Requirement Kill 500 zombies 500 skeletons 500 spiders all non-spawn-er spawned Item of challenge Wither skeleton head Reward diamond sword max lvls on all enchants Fire Sharpness Unbreaking Knockback Bane of Arthropods Smite Looting Money reward 5000 Exp reward 40 Repeatable? No
the rewards a bit to much?!?!?!!? lol 64 diamond blocks is a lot of diamonds.... But then again, heh.
Name of challenge: Wood Shop Requirement Make all items that can be made from only wood pick,axe,hoe,shovel sign, stairs, workbench, half slab,fence,gate,chest,pressure plate,door,trapdoor,ladder(If I missed something let me know Item of challenge: WorkBench Reward: 64 of each type of log and 1 of each sapling Money reward: 25 Exp reward: 10 Repeatable? Yes Repeat reward 1 sapling of each kind Repeat money $1 Repeat Exp: 1 Because its easy I think repeatable money and exp should be just 1 or 0 and only saplings
Hmmmm Challenge is called Ore Miner Requirements: collect half a stack of diamonds, emeralds, iron, and gold! Reward: 2 stacks of Obsidian (I dunno if this is enough) Money reward: $100 Exp reward: 10 Repeatable: yes Repeated reward: 32 obby? Repeated xp: 1 I dunno if this is good enough, but meh.