So, my island is broken. I did /is makeleader xDeezzNutzx (my IGN) and then tried to my my buddy a leader too with /is makeleader xDeezzNutz 35cap3ma5t3r (my friend's IGN). Then I tried to build and it wouldn't let me. I can't do /is level or /is info, but when I do /island it teleports me to the same island. I have no idea whats going on and have spent a day on it so I really don't want to restart.
Hey there! You have glitched your bedrock on your island by making yourself the leader when you already were the leader. We can try re-adding you, but there is a chance that your island will be deleted. If you are willing to take that chance, we can try to fix this.
Ah bummer, at least now I know . I guess if that's the only fix, it's a risk I'm willing to take. Thank you for the knowledge and help though .
Hopefully you haven't spent too long on that island? If you have I'm sure that me and some other donors would love to help give you some stuff if you have to start over.