I started AEM here around November last year. My friend said to hop on, mainly to play Zombies. I loved it. A great experience, it was. Next, my friend said to come onto Factions (Which was called "PvP" when I was playing it). I didn't find it that fun at first, until I started raiding. We would DESTROY the base entirely, and to hear the rage in the enemy's voice was satisfying, yet terrifying. I kept doing this, until the very day Factions reset. Along with many other people, I was devastated. All the work that my friend and I worked on, all gone. Another sad thing that happened, was my friend left AEM and was to never come back. This made me upset, until I made some other friends on the server. Originally, it was @hlghwnt and @ironbolt1 who I first got to know. I would hop on every day to talk and play with them. We had a BLAST, raiding people and making bases. I made more and more friends, which amounted to my 150 contacts on Skype. I was in love with the server, and then I was encouraged to apply for staff. I never thought I would have gotten in, but one day, I got a message to hop on TeamSpeak for a second. I came on to see what the deal was, and he started telling me about all the commands and rules I had to follow. I was listening, not knowing what was going to happen, and then : " I am going to promote you to helper now, congratulations! ". I was ELATED! My dream came true, and I was on AEM whenever I could go on. After a long, long 5 months, I got a message on Skype from @aCookieGod. He asked me If I was free, and I replied "yes". He told me to hop on, me not knowing that this was going to be a very happy moment. When I got on, I'm greeted by all the players saying "Gratz" or "Nice Light!". I didn't know what was going on, until I looked at my name in chat. I had been promoted to moderator. If I was happy when I got helper, I was OVERJOYED when I got mod. Now, you'll see me on Factions, happily helping people and catching hackers. Thank you for reading my AEM Life story, and I hope to see all of you people in-game!
not to brag or make staff mad, but I would make a very good staff member... just saying... at least I hope I would!!!
It's not that, but we count staff as a job, and that you need to be 15/16 to actually GET a job, and underaged people are not allowed. Sorry to break it to you.
some underage people are better at being staff cause they can be on more often... I hope you don't get mad at me for stating my opinion
Staff is not under the age of 18 simply because a bunch of them are not mature enough. I'm 20 and I'm on nearly all the time. So with this said, no matter the age people have the ability to get on as they need or can. A child can not be on during school while an adult can be. With that said, just because you believe you'll make an amazing staff member doesn't quite say you're going to get the position. Everyone thinks they'll make an amazing staff member but it simply won't happen just because of the rules and they aren't old enough. We need mature people to run AEM so we can run it properly. And sorry for any offense towards this, but a child makes friends and "trusts" the friends so will give them a "gift" just because they trust them. Then if they're griefed now that item is open to players and can be tossed around and be resulted in half the people being banned because they were holding the staff item. With that, a child is also ran by emotions and not brain. So say I say I don't like you, then you get angry at me because I don't like you, so you ban me because of a silly emotion. This is one reason and situation that someone underage shouldn't be staff. Theres many reasons and conclusions as to why they shouldn't be
You do realize some childern are more mature then others and may not do what you listed above, plus I do not have any friends on the server so I would not do that
This was meant to be a thread for appreciation, but it has turned into a thread for arguments. Show your appreciation by liking my post, not commenting. Thread Locked.
Then lets put it this way We do not know what kids are and what kids aren't. They're lucky we even allow helper at the age of 15. So you can apply if you're 15 and wait like the rest of us did. If we see fit that you deserve the position then we will OP you to Helper but until then you'll have to wait and see. If you ask about the position multiple times it'll take longer to consider you as a member of the staff. So with that, you will have to wait and stop pestering Staff for the position. We've tried being nice and telling you no with reasons why and you're response is as it is with every kid "Thats them but I'm nothing like them." That is the reason you're not considered as it is now. Final warning now Do not ask for the position because you do not reach the standards of being a member of staff. You don't meet requirements and you don't deserve the position. So after this has been said, if you bring up the situation you'll receive a temp ban from the forums. Then if you continue to pester staff. Your application will be marked as "Unfit for duty and denied." So you'll never have the position. Please refrain from telling everyone you deserve the position it is clear that you do not. Please and thank you for your time.