I know what you're thinking, "Danny Von Mon Roe already made this post," and you're correct to say so. I decided to make a new post instead of just reply to his, and here it is. When I first saw his post, I was like "lolno," but I've started to see what he's seeing. For the past few days, there's been staff on for a few minutes/hours here and there, but when I need them, they're gone. I then do /helpop, and no help arrives. We need more staff on every server. I'm just putting this out there because I think it's needed and wanted.
right now, survival is struggling more for mods in my opinion, in some timezones and some players are getting annoyed at it.
Again.... Staff not on very often this evening, couple of players having to deal with issues themselves! I can't believe how many players have left staffing.