I can't hear this enough, everyones been asking for more staff but I actually do believe we need more even with the addition of some just recently. Just a little bit ago the only mod on was Polo and he was pretty much over run with all the help being asked with a few people being VERY inappropriate and rude, spamming others. I know many have said this but I feel like it shouldn't just be overlooked and I know how hard it is to get the right staff, but also I feel like staff is chosen on specific things and not over all performances and some are stereotyped and not watched before turned down. I completely understand how hard it is but I think at the moment Aem needs more staff.
I was on at that time and I was with polo when he was talking to the guy who kept on saying the male private part even if he was asked to stop and Ya so may people where spamming his name poor polo I feel bad.
Yeah theres so many people who need help, we need more staff even though we have like 4-6 on survival, but it all depends on time zones. I'm on Mountain Time and I get on around 1-3am and theres never any staff on, but when there is theres so many people asking for help they get overwhelmed and/or go afk.
And today right now I was looking on the forums and another staff member is leaving the server this is crazy we have lost so many staff members in the past months it's crazy.
No kidding and sometimes they can't get on when needed most, not like its their fault, but we need more. Even on skygrid and skywars, etc.
I agree that more staff are needed on, at least two at the same time, there's also problems with all of the staff being on at one time, and then there's individuals who need help but have to wait until a mod comes on, or lose items because of prism's limited time for some actions.
Exactly and a lot of its about time zones too. In the morning for me theres maybe 1 staff member online and I get online around 8pm-3am my time and theres never any staff on at that time.
But when I was on at - 1 time in the day jerekul picaso and zhi where all on. They either all come together or not at all
Pretty much, their either all on, none are on at all, or their afk, thats why we need more staff and I think the "teenagers not having time to get online" thing is a little sterotyped. Like I'm 16 and get online everyday(except Wednesdays and sometimes weekends) from like 5pm-1am lol(breaks in between though) and summers coming up so more free time anyway.
Sometimes it gets all caught up because ill be the only one with 5 players needing me at a time along with immature players causing mischief. We need a staff member for the central time night hours especially.
Theres also the fact that normal players don't listen to other normal players and sometimes not even mods, but if theres no staff on then nobody can do anything so no matter what it is it doesn't really stop..