I think it should be more giveaways or factions beacuse all people like me dont have money but want a donator rank so i HOPE it will be more giveaways BYE
I feel like it should be somewhat like that, but you have to earn it like voting loads and loads and you get a rank. However, this is probably how they earn money and free ranks would be a quite big loss to them.
As @P3riapsis said, donations are the way the server makes money. Without as many donations, the server might not even stay ALIVE, so we need to keep this in mind. I just saved up all my money, then got a summer job, earned $150 and bought the rank I wanted
Is this a good idea? [LuckyVotes] - 1/25 chance - $5,000 [LuckyVotes] - 1/50 chance - 5 diamonds [LuckyVotes] - 1/75 chance - 1 Sharpness 5 Diamond sword [LuckyVotes] - 1/100 chance - 1 Set of Protection 4 Unbreaking 1 Diamond Armor [LuckyVotes] - 1/150 chance - 1 Sharpness 5 Unbreaking 3 Diamond Axe [LuckyVotes] - 1/1000 chance - [VIP] Rank or $10 store coupon
So fuel with what you said all people would end up doing is voting and there would be a big decrease in donations.. and a 10$ store coupon would not be a good idea because they can continually get it after a while... If it is just VIP then that would be okay.. Also more giveaways on factions I Mean why? You can gather and craft materials... Also, do /vote and vote that is your giveaway doing such a simple thing for free items..
I think a good idea is to find the top 5-10 voters for the month and choose a pick a raffle, the person who gets chosen recieves a VIP server or a low donater rank on their desired server. Another idea is for staff members to choose between a variety of people who are friendly and kind on the servers and then the person who recieves most votes from the staff gets a donator rank DDDDDD
^ I don't recommend that because giving people ranks just because of their kindness and being friendly is kind of un-fair, if someone on the server helps everyone, and someone who doesn't do anything gets the donator rank, while someone over there does SOME stuff but doesn't get it, if you know what I mean, It's just un-fair to all kinds. Picking a raffle out of 1,000 people would be kind of hard because new people join the server everyday, you might want to think about that.
^ Also for people like me that have been saving votes on skyblock and never been on any other servers really, I would instantly get the VIP Lucky Vote. =)
Lets see voting daily 1/1000 about a LOT of votes today so in 1 day 7 new Vips and in 1 week 49 new vips and so on
Well, the ranks are for those who support the server with their donations. The ranks should not be given away for free... If i could get it by voting, i personally would not donate and would keep waaiting to get this for free... U dont need the VIP Rank to play, but the server need donations to keep running.
i think when there are more rank giveaways, everybody will get a rank on the server. And if everybody has a rank, the server wont make money and it will be gone because they have no money left to get the server up. With voting the person who voted the most at that month, gets a rank, and that is 12 rank giveaways a year for about 8 servers is: ~100 rank giveaways and that is alot. I never saw on a server that they gave a rank away for voting, so you should be happy that it is on AEM xD