Hello, Over the past day I have been captivated by Sky Factory which is as it author puts it : "Calling this pack modded skyblock is like calling the Bat Mobile a "car". It's skyblock, but like you've never seen it before! High tech mods, full automation, and spawning in the void with nothing but a tree and a *single* piece of dirt between you and certain death! Video tutorials here: http://youtube.com/BaconDonutTV Created by Bacon_Donut livestreaming Minecraft daily: http://twitch.tv/bacon_donut" The mods included in the pack and the download can be found here: http://www.atlauncher.com/pack/SkyFactory I was hoping that this could be considered as a server for AEM
I just pasted from the link.... I can get rid of it but I thought since its his mod he should get noticed.
I think it's a cool mod but adding it could cause some issues of sorts, along with some lag, if I'd have to vote on it, I'd say no.