Not sure what parts of this information is accurate, but if staff from another server have powers to kick/mute on a different server, shouldn't they have some sort of staff title? Its pretty misleading to have a regular player to tell you to stop something and then get kicked by a regular player xD
We're working on a solution to this. It's been brought up in staff private chat and the brains of the operations are working on it
That actually is quite true. That nub kiro keeps kicking meh for calling him nub when im on skyblock :c
Not going to name names, but someone was yelling at another person and this "staff" thought he was talking to him, so he kicked him xD wasn't really doing anything wrong.
Well staff or not, they were telling you that you that you were doing something wrong. And if you don't listen because the person isn't staff just shows how you behave when a staff isn't online, so they're like spies. They Warn or kick when you won't stop despite warning. That's when they bring out the big guns. Staff are Ninjas!
I think i like it better when staff are in secret because once people see a staff person they start to act good and when they leave it all hell broken out. But remember their is someone always watching no matter if their is no staff on. They are their in secret. Ninja Powers O.o Boo!!! lolz
The players are the real ninjas I'll give you that. What if the staff that arent staff on a certain server was given an rank that could be toggled so they can "seem" to be a normal player aka ninja mode? And when things go out of hand, Toggle the prefix to show that they are staff. ** Maybe [Staff] or
Just to clear whatever up, I wasn't the person that got in trouble/was doing something wrong xD just saying that other players have no idea about it