So Pile_of_Twinkies were talking and wondering, if you have mcmmo credits, mainly from donating, when survival resets are you going to get them back? Since Pile_of_Twinkies is extreme if he uses his credits will he get them back? or if he does not use them are they going to be usable after the reset?
I just recently started playing again and realized that there is a reset coming. I'm wondering the same thing about credits except for the ones not only from purchasing a rank. But the ones that I purchased directly as well. $39.99 isn't something I like to know I threw away. I even found the receipt for it as well: (Link was put in chat but house address was showing. Please keep this receipt safe incase we do need it, but please do not publicly show information like that) Hopefully someone can answer our questions
Last time the server reset, I didn't get any donating rewards such as mcmmo credits back. Might be different this time though.
Can some staff remove his link? It has infomation that he probably didn't mean to share on itl @pyrolily @Evanyoshi @Meg1626 @AlexM850
Not really... I mean now you know my name and where I live... Come by and we can have an awkward cup of coffee. I made sure to not add my card though since that's the stuff I don't want you to know aboot #DoneThisBefore
So just to make sure I understand this, all the mcmmo credits that we recieved from donating to our rank, are going to be lost, zewmy's 39.99 is going to be uselless once the reset happens? And is there any chance I could get a answer from a mod or admin?
Well that's what happened with every other reset, and ofc they will respond with when it does reset 1 day (if it ever does) "You donated to help the server, and not for the perks" but lez be honest now we did it for the perks ya know rite?
Not Gonna Lie... A reply saying "toasters are colorful" would have meant more to me than the Terms of Service... And it still doesn't answer my question in the first place. I'm not asking for a refund. If we keep ranks, why cant we get single use purchases as well? I've had numerous servers give me single use items back after reset. Its not hard to do at all. I don't know coding but if 80% of my other servers have done it it must not be that hard...
Good for you boy. You read the thing that 99% of people just put a check in the box, and move on with their life. Good job. *claps*
Well now that you guys have had your two cents worth, I would like to wait till a admin/mod has an answer. I understand that getting anything for our donations is wonderful and very kind of them. Just like it was amazingly gracious of them to let everyone who donated in space block to transfer their money to another server after they discontinued space block due to the developer stopping development. Lets keep these threads on track twords their intended purpose, here answering mine, Pile_of_Twinkies, and now zewmy's question. If you want to talk about random stuff, there happens to be a entire list of "Off Topic" threads you can go read and reply to. I am sorry if I come across as a bit snooty, but I really just want my question answered.
lol that is the same toaster that I posted, it is getting popular EDIT: Ok, last off topic post for me (I think someone should make a thread for colorful toasters to continue this there )
Not most. At that link you will see that most toasters are not colored, and that only the few are.