Alex, admins, mods, even normal players like myself, sometimes we may be faced with the conundrum of being on the go and not having access to the AEM website to chat with people about problems, suggestions, ect. . As I lay here on my bed, thinking, and having so much fun staring into the void on the right side of the mobile website (as I mentioned earlier), I thought to myself," Why don't I suggest an AEM app for smartphones that allows us to do the same thing on our phones that we do on our computer?" So I leave you all this thread to see what you all think, and see if my idea becomes reality. ~Warfighter
Well, that would be cool. But, you could access the website online. You could tell that it has been tampered with because on the phone, it is a bit different than on the computer. Either way, you could access it on a mobile device already.
Don't really see the point of a mobile app. You need internet for both of them so why not use the website?
Hm. It's a little darker than the background on the website, so the void is a place where ads are most likely to bw, kind of like a dark alley. An endless abiss of horrifying ads. What a great sounding name.