hes not the biggest youtuber but he's certain to soon be one of them remember to subscribe him so more people look at his channel so we can get more people on the AEM sky grid! plus so he can maybe even make more money by you tubing so he can give some money to the aem network to make it better! And remember go tell other people about aem network and irishmainiacgamer
Lol seen this when looking up myself thx guys,PS I have taking a break for a while until the reset on skygrid.playing with a few freinds on a popular Faction server. I was playing on arm factions but I thought their was no point making vifs if there was only like 2 other people Online.
I'll be posting some skygrid videos soon on my channel, so subscribe to know when I do! Link is in my signature.
Ender link I can't find a link to your YT if u want to do a factions series on another Server with me we cAn play on a new faction world that has only started like 4 days ago.I see it that onyour arm profile. It says u are from Canada do u speak English. In your vids? I also have my own website WWW.irishmaniacgamer.com