Hello everyone,it's Delta and i have came to say that i will be leaving aem for a while or maybe forever,I plan to come back sometime around the first quarter of next year.Ill still be chatting, ill still be on forums, but i won't really play anymore.I just want to say thank you @AlexM850 and @EthanM850 for creating this server for everyone to play on, and to all the players who've pushed this server so far.I'm quitting temporarily because this servers member loss and inactivity, I know its a stupid reason but I feel like AEM is kind of dull because of the lack of players,Ill still try to help this server get more players to help ease that for everyone else.But as for now ill be leaving,a final thank you to all the great staff and the supportive players that play here.Bye everyone, and have one last smiley face. View attachment 2256
Dude I made the same mistake you did leaving this server but can you really leave this server is actually really fun if you start playing on skyblock , survival the new reseted server people arf always on and staff are really nice I'm just saying I left and I regreted it missing all the friends i made on this server and having fun.
Of course everyone is always free to go as they please, we are not communists . But do make sure you keep in mind the server has started increasing in population again over the last couple of weeks. Alex was gone for a couple months moving so we had lost some crucial elements there and it put some people on hiatus. Those people on hiatus are slowly returning and populating the server again. We hate to see players go, and hope to see you return in the near future . Remember we love all the players on AEM! It will be the same when you return!!!
I have never really seen you in game but I hope you join back and as Picasso said AEM is growing again . Not just staff but many player's hate to see other players go and if you do not decide to return (which I hope you do) I wish you a good and happy life.