I think it would be cool if AEM had leaderboards, Maybe top 20 for each server and each server with their own stats depending on their gamemode. Skywars: Most wins Most kills Survival Games: Most wins Most kills Factions: Most kills Biggiest bal (On the board for people whos doesnt know the command /baltop) /mcranktop Zombies: Highest round Most killed zombies Top bal Skyblock: Island level Top bal Skygrid: Top bal (Can't think of any others .-.) Survival: Top bal (Cant think of any others)
I did state that but Their are new players coming in that would maybe not know all the commands, and it would be nice to see it on a leaderboard.
Good idea though @BananaHerobrine, this should be implemented but sometimes the leaderboard on the right can be annoying so it should be able to be toggled to the players need.