By Sway on Sep 9, 2016 at 10:38 AM
  1. Sway

    Apr 11, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Hello people of AEMNetwork, It's here! The release of KitPVP and some other great news..


    That's right, KitPvP is back and better than ever! With three entirely new maps and a reworked stats system on its way, KitPvP is the hot place to be!
    Here are some previews of the three new arena's to be released with the AEM KitPVP server.





    We've also developed a new stats tracking system to replace what was once on AEM KitPVP (Credits: @Calcium for development)
    You can see a preview of that below.

    Top 3 Player stats will reset after every server restart and eventually will have a global monthly player stats which we are considering integrating into the website and or possibly a statistics page.

    You can now place a bounty on another player!

    We've been working on CoD Zombies after we finished up with KitPVP and have managed to get a working Zombies setup after much trial and error, we're also currently working on ironing out any bugs from the previous code base which has not been maintained since it's original release and minor bug fixes.

    We're hoping to, in the coming weeks re-release the Zombies server and will likely implement some new features on that server as well as rebuild some of the maps and or add new maps after it's initial release to make things heaps more fun for you all.

    We will also be running a 30% off sale for this month for this months kitpvp release. (Sale ends on the 30th)



Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Sway, Sep 9, 2016.

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    1. marsel_2000
      Great server update, it's nice to see the server still up and running. But may I ask, is non-OP skyblock being worked on as you hinted before or is it a never to be completed project?
    2. Sway
      Some things are more important, Zombies for one really needs an update and lots of bug fixes. OP skyblock is there if you want to play skyblock for now. I work better without ETA's and it's planned to release after we iron out some things on the servers.
    3. Super__Morris17

      Cool, good work recently sway :)
    4. Sway
      Thanks @Calcium did quite a bit too, be sure to thank him as well. :^)
    5. Super__Morris17
      Will do :D
    6. marsel_2000
      Alright cool, just wanted to make sure, I'm just so excited.
    7. TomPearuss
      Can't wait to try out zombies :)
    8. Super__Morris17
      Same here.
    9. Trippinq_
      @Sway Why was I banned? Like this is a legitimate question @CaptainStarkie unbanned me I log on for 5 minutes and get banned again for "cya" that is fucked up for real I didn't do anything. I got unbanned fair and square through my appeal and then get banned for nothing at all.
    10. CaptainStarkie
      It has been answered in your ban appeal. You can talk about it in your ban appeal. This is not the right place ;)
    11. Trippinq_
      Last edited: Sep 25, 2016
    12. Trippinq_
    13. genfearless
      Cod has more sales? Awesome
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