hello all you aem players and playets! I just felt like telling you guys and girls this because it was a big thing in my life so here is the story..... About two years ago i noticed my heart rate going fast but thought nothing of it and told no one, this happened about one time every two or three months. This last year I noticed the same thing happening and told my parents, but both of us thought nothing of it. Then during last summer around June-ish the same thing happened while i was hanging out in the pool, doing nothing physical or anything to trigger a fast heart rate. After about five minutes i did my normal and told my parents, they thought nothing of it but told me to lie down because i was lightheaded. After about ten more minutes they asked me again, is it still going, i said yes because it was, the felt my heart and counted for 30 secands, it was 110ish and she missed some beats it was going so fast. This was going on for an hour, so we went to the hospital but by the time we got there it was done. Speed forward a couple weeks. We went to see a cardiologist at sibley heart center named Jane Todd, she was very old lol, she diagnosed me with SVT (look it up for more info) I do have SVT but this kept on happening, more often, and for longer, but I never had another hour long episode. After about another month or two we went to eagelsten (i dont know how its spelled) heart center, they looked at my EKG (again look it up for more info ) and said i MIGHT have WPW (AGAIN look it uo ) but they did not think so, this kept happing for a while and so we finally went again and they caught it, they diagnosed me with WPW. We had three choices, do nothing and let me do no more physical exercise ever and never be able to be alone, take daily medicine, or get surgery which is the most effective. Me and my family chose surgery. We were orignally scheduled for December 18th, but it became coming up to like every three days. This is when my dad told me and my mom the change, he got it changed to today (November 18th). I dont know how, but he did. So, about two weeks before the surgery it started happening DAILY. So i missed a lot of school lol. Anyways, Today (November 18th) my dad, my step mom, and me go to the hospital for the surgery. We then meet up with my step dad and mom. Blah blah blah all the getting set up changing all of that crap with questions and shi* happens. They bring me into the room, I swear this room was NASA headquarters it had so much computers and screens and shi*. So they give me the anathea (idk how to spell it ) and i go out, i wake up and they told me that the surgery was successful!!!! So i am free from WPW now!!!!!! Thank you for reading this. Now time for the funny stories Funny story number 1: It took me about an hour to come to my senses from the anatehia. In that time it took me about an hour to do that, during that time i really wanted to roll over to my side when i was supposed to be on my back for 3 hours after the surgery, but my dad put my chest down back, i attempted to roll over again, same thing, then i started like going with all my might to the side xD it took 3 people to keep me on my back. (I know this from what my parents told me because i have no recelection of this because of the anatehia still having its effects on me) Kind of funny story: So after reading that if you did you know i have WPW and if you did research you know that its like an extra electrical path to my electrical system, well when they went in most people have one extra path, 5% have 2 extra paths, i had fuc*in 3 xD So now after i have told you that i will say this, i wrote this, i have not edited it, i will not edit it, so if it has grammer mistakes im not that sorry and if has spelling mistakes then fu** off this is a sad story not a time to say OMG UR SPELING IS TO BAD FO ME TO STANDDD, and yes, i do know its spelling...
Thank you all! Im awake cause my dog came in and started licking every inch of my bed and me lol going to try to fall back asleep now if i can find an unwet spot!
For those are too lazy to google: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supraventricular_tachycardia (SVT) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolff–Parkinson–White_syndrome (WPW) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrocardiography (EKG) @gkbaldwin2002 Surgery is NEVER any fun. I'm glad you're doing fine and all went well! (Also wanna point out I originally thought it was about something else considering just the title)
Glad to hear the surgery went well. Good for you for telling your parents what was going on - If you'd just left it things could have turned out very differently.
Im Sorry To Hear That But Happy That Everything Is Going Well, I Pray That You Will No Longer Have Any Problems In Your Life And Just Be Happy, Have A Blessed Day