1. omgpotato790(something of the sort) and BakedGoods 2. They posted on MY report about a spammer 3. This was Friday 4. Link to thread: https://aemservers.net/threads/spammer.159/ Please do SOMETHING about this, because people don't need to be posting what they think should be done on other's reports UNLESS its a staff member.
This is a forum. fo·rum ˈfôrəm/ noun noun: forum; plural noun: forums; plural noun: fora 1. a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. It is up to staff to decide when no more comments are welcome and lock threads and they also decide who gets any sort of ban. If you don't want comments, ask staff to lock it after you post it. I'm sure most will be happy to oblige you but posting a report on players commenting on your other report is a bit overboard, imo.
I completely agree, who are you stay whos gonna get banned? This is a public forum and people have no lives and just search the web. Your going to get people (stupid or not) that will comment on anything and everything. Chill out. Chill out is not directed towards you sica. :3
1. I edited my first post 2. Like you and @Sica said, this is a place like a social media website. But when we report players, thats not really the place to be posting freely(My opinion, obviously not a rule), which is why I made this thread in the first place. Did I really make it seem like I was ACTUALLY gonna force staff to forum ban people?
Ghost, I suggest you calm down. Yelling at people for posting in a THREAD does not bode well. If you have a problem with someone posting in your threads, talk to staff about it instead of creating false rules about the forums. There are rules posted about the forums, none of which say a player cannot comment on another player's thread. If another player can enlighten you on some protocols before staff can get to your report, then so be it. Don't get all pissy about it and start bolding and threatening people. Now calm down, it's not a big deal, move on.