But, just got back into playing and was wondering if all the 1.8 update new items are a part of survival on aem. Have been exploring the pit and noticed the rabbit, but not the new blocks, am I just not looking hard enough?
All servers are updated to 1.8, but Spigot and Craftbukkit aren't updated as of yet. Final testing has begun so all kinks can be worked out, so we're waiting on release. So the answer is yes and no. Items are in, but are not completely recongized yet, such as you can get mutton, but can't eat it, etc. Hopefully that makes sense.
It does, thx for reply... on other note, still await answer on players losing chest contents if offline for more than 3 months, should I email owners direct for a straight answer or at least a final word on the matter? I have issues on both sides of that argument btw. Have a player that has not been on since June, whom has locked chests in my town. I had given him these to run my shop... he locked chests but never set up the shop again, so if you hear anything or think should just fwd issues to owners let me know... thx.
Not sure about that, I will tag a few people who may know more about the issue. @zRinne @pyrolily @Volkrot @Akkarr @kiroakira
@Yellow Currently the server is not actually 1.8 We are running on 1.7.10, but using a plugin to provide the 1.8 features such as Rabbits, Armour Stands, New Doors, and New Blocks. This is all compatible with 1.8 (Hence the 1.8 client version requirement). The current pit was generated BEFORE we added the 1.8 features, and as such used the standard 1.7.10 world generator. As with all areas already generated you will not see new blocks. The pit is currently due for reseeding and regeneration, so it should not be long before you can mine these new blocks. The 1.8 plugin we use does NOT generate the structures added in 1.8, so don't spend your time hunting them down yet, however almost every other 1.8 change is present. @Yellow Regarding your chest situation, please let myself, KiroAkira (MrNomNoms), zRinne (CatGoddess), or Jerekul know when we are online and we can help you resolve the issue.
Yes, I'm awaiting reply on who gave the person permission to take over the builds as there are locked items and it's a nice build. For now, I can help move their chest place out to their other homes and talk to them about it, I'm sure she will understand.
With the previous post from Akkarr regarding [The Pit] Can I suggest that we look into importing a Timer of Some Kind. This allows, so that the owner does not have to reset it themselves and that it is reset on time. As for The Pit Can I ask maybe a Look to its spawn, looks great now, just possibly something that is not in a Few Mountains. If a timer Does get set, when was the suppose time that the pit gets reset, every month? If so then that's a great time for a Timer, so every month the timer runs out and the Pit resets, so then no one has to as I would say has to manually reset it. I hope this helps.
Thx for info on 1.8 update, very helpful to know. On the chest issue not sure if clear on what is/was ok and is/isn't ok. On the one hand with regard to my personal loss, a heather girl was not only given perm... to take over my build but actually was given all (a ton) of my chests (which were full of months of gathering/purchases). Who or how they were unlocked is unknown to me, and she has them all locked for herself now. How much of my stuff that was in them, having been removed is also unclear. On the other hand we have a player who (as have been told by mod) that has been offline since June that left behind a ton of chests in one of my first builds. The issue here is that I gave these to him to run the town shop, he locked all of them but never set the shop signs back up. Would like these either removed or unlocked. Prefer that they get unlocked since if he returns can just have a talk with him and/or just hand them back over if need be, plus can set shop back up and running for players to have purchase area if needed. Can always hand the shop back to him if/when he plays again. Anyhow await answers, and we shall see you online soon hopefully... Peace
I've got no idea what to do about the situation or a way to contact the player who took it over which is why I gave it to Rinne to deal with :/ I'm going to set up a place where I can save player items when I get home tonight so if it's there I'll move Heathers stuff if you can mail me the coords that would help out dearly please and thank you.
Kiroakira You gave me an Idea, A few of us can as i would say set up an item Vault, where we place the chest down first, now if a player is going to be off for a little while the items can be stored within this vault, it would be free of charge and would be very helpful for a situation that requires so. Let me know what you think of this.
I'm going to do it as soon as I can I'll block it offso nobody can get in or out name the vault and everything I've got ways of doingxn it and I'm going to set up an area where I fan store random items
Sounds Awesome Kiro, maybe each Towen should set one up as we'll so as if a town vault which can be underground and so no one has access but the mayor.
Don't know what kiro or brobe are talking about. In respect to my situation Jerekul has taken care of it. Heather was never a resident in my town or even a member of the server when I built my town "I don't think". Apparently she came on and with the help of some staff member unlocked all my item chests and then re locked them for herself. This occurred I believe due to a rumor that players whom do not play for over a 3 month period become unprotected to looters (quoted as a rule to myself from staff member). I have pretty much let this problem slide, but do want staff to know the items in the heather chests and the location of the build and even the build itself of said place were and are mine. I built the place, I set down the chests and I alone filled them up with items (which btw were looted for the most part of high end items) and want it known none of these products were ever technically Heather's. She in a sense looted my stuff and took over my builds which Jerekul has now rightfully returned back to me.
Please read the thread BEFORE replying. Your comment makes no sense. 1. The items are present. 2. What reset ?
1. The new blocks are *HERE* 2. Care to provide a source on your claim that "There is a reset coming" or are you just trying to cause drama ?