I've been playing kitpvp for like 4-5 months, I really enjoyed the experience and the aspect of that gamemode. It's a unique kind of kitpvp which uses custom coded plugins, I began to play it daily. Here comes the "bad" part I would say : I get accused by hacks every one I fight, just because i'm good at something means that I deserve to be accused like that? I took it as a compliment, but now it started to be annoying and no one wants to 1v1 me because of my "false" hacks. Today I played a bit, I 1v1ed someone called gammingpotatoe or something, We went to the 1v1-arena. A scumbag came and began to interupt our fight, I fought him and I killed him with his iron/golden apples with me using leather + stone sword only, I was impressed to be honest, He started calling me a hacker and started trash talking. Then me and gamingpotatoe started 1v1ing, I combo'd him soo hard that he couldn't even hit me once. At the same time of me fighting him, A admin was viewing me to see if I was using hacks and such. Gamingpotato said "nice hacks". Then suddenly I got banned for the use of kill aura/ forcefield. Just because someone is good at something he must get banned? I was already approved by someone called Kushh in skype. I sharescreen'd .versions, google downloads,recycle bin, .minecraft and profile editor. But I guess that's how it is. And here comes the second story. I tried to post a ban appeal, but it got denied because I was saying that it was a disappointment to see a admin ban me falsely, It got denied for staff disrespect which I never did, I was trying to prove a point that I must get unbanned because I got banned falsely. In the end, the appeal was denied. And I'm banned in kitpvp by StraightUpThug.
I'm not quite understanding what are you saying. Could you reply it in a more "understandable" way please?
What solid meant was " I battled you and won but it wasn't 1v1 " Usually when I pvp and get accused for being unfair, I would take a video of my fights for proof. Then again this is not somewhere we discuss bans, just a tip ^ I'm going to lock this thread. It is better that ten guilty escape than one innocent suffer.