I have just started a new faction and I have vip which helps a lot, but getting to the op level isn't as easy as I thought. First of all I hate trying to get money. After day one I have a pretty good cobble covered in water base, and I've read all the guides you can find, so I don't really know what I'm trying to say, but here are some bullets: -what's the next step? ( I also have a treasure room made of obsidian) -how do u know who to trust? Can you trust anyone? -how big should this base be to get the faction going (farms,grinders with little cash, ect...) -is there anything server exclusive I should be aware of that wouldn't be covered in other guides -and maybe a list of things to do, most important on top, least on bottom. -and maybe some really good YouTube links for op faction bases to get me inspired would be nice as well. -Some might say this faction already is started, and to them I would ask "then I need some advanced tips "
What I can recommend to you is make friends on there, allies will be a big help. If you have an alt account, friend's account, or sibling's account (that they wouldn't mind you using) then add them to your faction for extra power so you can claim a larger base. However, if a player doesn't log in for 10 days they are auto kicked from their faction. To make money, you should probably mine. When you get spawners, you can use OP 1.8 enchanting mechanics to enchant some good gear. Lastly, vote every day to get money, and tokens for God apples/creeper eggs. Good luck
Like @CadeBoss425 said, make friends and try to get extra accounts for power. Also, Try to get rich as soon as possible so you can buy Obsidian and make a base. Also, go really far.
I suggest voting and for obby you can go to/token shop and buy 2 stacks of obby for 3 tokens Or as @CadeBoss425 said, mine enchant make god gear and you COULD sell it