Hey guys you might be seeing me allot on skywars on aem and i am a extreme on there my nick is Chef and i actually met allot of good people on there such as dannyvonmore (TO EASY TO KILL) kiyameassassin (AGAIN ANOTHER EASY KILL) diddley03 (he pretty good) and clone697 (shes not on to often so i cant shes easy to kill ) (and everything i say like they are easy to kill is just a friendly joke so don't think i'm a mean guy or nothing like that i actually know a couple of staff members such as jerekul aah good times like the one time he muted me or threw me in jail good times or the owner when he said he might go in creative mode and kill me but the most memorable time was when jerekul made a swimming pool and i forgot my legs at home good times oh nu THE SMILEY FACES ARE TAKING OVER AAAAHHHHH