Hey whats going on guys, my name is Court (or BAEverey, or Aberey, or Aveg, or Julerey, or simply GiRLCLAN). I am 20 years old and have been apart of the AEM community for a year and a half. I first started on skyblock, skyblock is an amazing game mode, and if it werent for my bestfriend and partner in crime @xBunnyNinja , I wouldn't have known it existed. Next came skygrid, I thought it'd be pretty easy considering I had skyblock down pat. Boy was I ever wrong. I died a handfull of times and stopped playing. So it is very rare to see me over there. Third came Survival. I started caving/strip mining/ branch mining and immediately got in trouble and stayed away from there out of fear that I'd get banned. xD Fourth came zombies, for those who don't know this game type, zombies is based on the call of duty maps. But be sure to watch out for the round number before you join the game, me being a nub I joined firing range when it was on a high level so I died really fast. GG10 to those zombies.. Then I fell in love with skywars, I even donated for the kits! Haven t looked back since! There are other game modes on the server, but those are the ones that really stuck out to me when I was just starting. On March 10th, 2014 I donated for my first rank on skyblock, starting at Elite. Then from there I donated four more times and eventually ending up at the Skylegend rank which is the highest rank on Skyblock. August 19th, 2014; I had to thank this wonderful community, for finding my wife. @Julia Thorpe Sure her and I have the ups and downs (aka, she cheats on me with Peter Parker), but she is my wife, and I love her very much. If you would like to see the marriage video you can click the link. Also i'd like to thank my really good friends for always being so kind and providing me with such an amazing experience thus far, and always supporting my decisions and helping me realize that I love AEM, and wont ever be able to stay away. So thank you guys <3 @BomberDude96 @JonathanBluesword @Trouble1122 @Julia Thorpe Cant forget all the previous staff/players who also made my days better on AEM, they can be found on my new island. January 31st, 2015: I was hosting a skin competition located on my island, and I was kicked by @DelvinC for flying in the spawn. I was so worried, because I had no idea that was a rule. Immediately after Trouble, Meg, Delvin, and Bomber all joined my teamspeak channel. Didn't think much of it other then, "yay friends joined me!" I was trying to figure out how to create my warp (I was blanking so hard), finally I created it and advertised my skin comp. Low and behold, I was changed from a Skylegend, to a Moderator!! Thanks so much you guys! Also, my Wife and @124jeter also became mods that very same day! Yay! Go team go! http://imgur.com/DwVrFCZ Update: April 29, 2015 I was promoted from Moderator, to Admin for skyblock. Thank you so much @SWI & @nick_godoy | Finally guys! #Aves4Admin worked. Believe in the hashtag! <3 Another update: I am now an Admin on Creative and a Moderator on Skywars!! By now you're probably wondering (or not) who I really am considering this is an "Introduction". Well let me get right into that. I am Court, I am an amateur mechanical bull rider, and an alright youtuber. I love the teenage mutant ninja turtles, harry potter, and call of duty: world at war. <3 (Yes I am a huge nerd.) In my free time I coach high school girls rugby, and soon I'd like to get a tattoo representing the things/people I love. Similar to a sleeve. I do have a semi colon on my wrist and you can see it on my instagram here. My favorite colors are purple, green and red. I love to play guitar and piano, also I quite enjoy athletics. Such as: Rugby, basketball, soccer, hockey, kick boxing, and football. Yes, I have played these sports. I'm a cocky jockey nerd. This is my life. This is how I live. I also go by the quote, "You never know where you could end up, so take chances, take risks, win, lose. Because without those chances in life, you're going to be stuck doing the same things, being the same person. So go out there and find out what else is out there, and take advantage of your opportunities. Don't stop believing in yourself, and in each other." -Coach Christina Jones. I hope this helped you get a better understanding on who I am and what I believe in. Never stop believing in yourself, and know your self worth. Be who you wanna be and always do your part in the world. Every step you take makes an impact on the world. You are the future. <3
Hi Averey, nice to meet you! I gotta say, I freakin love this intro! Epic and awesome... epically awesome! You are definitely one cool chick
Hahahah thank you. I was told I should be a comedian in grade seven... All I could think about at the time were condom jokes because I didnt know anything. So from then on I hid in a dark special cave and filled my cave with video games. xD But thank you. You`re one cool chick as well!
Meh I'm still in the grind...it helps me beat the sh*t of whatever stress I have undergone that day :3
Noticed u never mentioned facs. You should come try it out. Especially if you like being insulted and scammed and betrayed.