Im not new around here, actually im known very well on SkyGrid but for all of you new players.. Im Ender, EnderMist, Mist, LadyMist, ext.. IGN: EnderMist_123 Im 16, born on March 8th I love to play Skygrid ! I have played AEM nearly 3 years starting August of 2012. My old name was lucastheradioman because I was using a brother an laws account but about a year ago I got my own account. I honestly think the AEM community makes me a it more sane in life. I would have to thank the absolute best people in the world for encouraging me to where I am today on AEM. @Bunny561 @Snowball731 , but most of all. The people who showed every bit of support they could @HedgeTheHog @Pop_lina and @NinjusBoy I don't know what I would do without yall! Come say hi to meh on SkyGrid! Resigned staff of AEM Skygrid.
Hey guys I'm ENDER Name? Ender, Lady, LadyMist, Mist, EnderMist Age? 16 Birthday? March 8th Timezone? CT Gender? Female What would you do if you were the opposite of your gender? I would be the same as I am about tomboyish, just remove the occasional nail polish. Status/Rank? Skygod ~ SkyGrid VIP ~ SkyWars Premium ~ Survival How long have you been playing? (you can actually be honest because this isn't an application where you're trying to impress the staff ) going on 4 years How often are you online and for how long? I'm on at least 1nce daily and for a while usually but im a major minechat nub Biggest accomplishment on this server? (any world) My redstone cobble gen - skygrid Killing @Danny Von Monroe - skywars Actually makeing a island - skyblock Favorite event that occurs on the server? When @avery_richards started typing the lyrics to ' Let it Go ' and chat typed along Best thing that ever happened to you? Getting All of @Pop_lina 's money on skygrid Worst thing that ever happened to you? Leaving server for 6 months bc I was busy Words/Phrases you say frequently? "dat fail do " " hai nubs" " oh gawd " Your greatest fear? spiders and no internet Most recent embarassing thing that happened to you? Bringng a mouse to school and getting caught. (Hey! I wanted to see if the book was lying) Favorite member(s) who plays on this server and why? @HedgeTheHog He is the absolute best guy I know Awesome helpful and caring Favorite Animal? Idek Favorite Colour? Purple Favorite Book? Divergent Favorite Movie? Divergent Favorite TV Show? I don't watch tv Favorite item/block? Enderpearl Favorite mob? Enderman/ ender dragon still debating Favorite vacation spot? My room Favorite place to be alone? Mai closet Favorite thing to do with your spare time? PLAY AEM Favorite person you enjoy spending time with? My friend Cristina Favorite biome? Ice spikes Favorite tree? (intended for minecraft but maybe you actually have a favorite tree-type in real life) Spruce Favorite thing to do when nobody is looking? Same thing I normally do Something that made you laugh ridiculously hard. Hedges party hard gif Something you wish was added to vanilla minecraft. Umm idk mcdonalds Something you wish existed. Freedom to do wat I want when I want Something you wish was still around. My twin brother and sister Something you with this server had or had at some point and want back. Ctf and dtm Something you're extremely talented at or have a thing for. Technology but maybe @SWI will teach me more If you're in school: School year/grade? 9th. About to go to sophomore year 0.o Favorite Academic/statutory Class? 8th grade: History 9th grade: Pre-AP Biology (except the gross pig dissection) Favorite Class/Period? 8th grade: 4th period US History 9th grade: 2nd period. Pre-AP Biology In any sports? No In any clubs? CyberPatriot Worst class? 8th grade: Reading 9th grade: English Worst grade you have ever gotten? 8th grade: 88 9th grade: 72 ( Hey I went from all regular classes to all Pre-AP so its more difficult xD) Any Accomplishments throughout highschool? (Sports-wise or Academically) 2nd place on science fair What do you do when you're bored in class? Listen to music Are you a procrastinator or get it done right away type student? Get It done Are you an overachiever or under achiever? Over most of my averages are abovee 100 due to extra credit Do you have a job? Yes Where do you see yourself ten years into the future? GOOOGGLLLEEE School Project that made you proud of yourself? My diagnosis for science Have you started a family/gotten married? No Kids? If so, number of and how many? N/A
Ender I don't understand your signature craft thing it say professional skygridder when it should say noob xD jk
I'm the best skygridder in the time of skygridders. @HedgeTheHog Is the noob he's almost as good as me.