Hello. I recently bought avenger for kit pvp, and today was the first time ive pvpd since then. Because I have access to more kits, that obviously makes me slightly better than I was. So today, I killed a player (Higher rank than me) and he shouted out that I was a hacker... So just because im better than him at pvp makes me a hacker... Makes soooo much sense. Thank you for reading, this pretty much is just a reason why all you that don't hack but are good at pvp, don't listen to them callers. And to the actual hackers, just don't hack. Thanks. :3
Just remember, If you ignore them, you are always the better man. If you ever have any trouble with those Pesky kids, just message me on the forums or come find me on factions.
I try my best to ignore them, but sometimes it's hard because they become a pest further by swearing in pm XD But thanks
Yes, Just ignore them they are just bad and don't feel good about themselves thats why that person called you a hacker you are good at pvp so if you ignore them you will always be better then them. Always Simpler solution /ignore (There Username Here) View attachment 1421