Been griefed on skyblock, all my possesions stolen, didnt invite anyone. Most importantly that was stolen: 8 stacks of diamond blocks/ 7 beacons/ Spawn Eggs/ Tools Guessing either 3 things happened. Hacker, staff apparently hates me, or a glitch. Correction: Its more like 6 and a half stacks of diamond blocks. Found out I still have a stack of blocks I havent placed (thank god) and of the ones still on my island that he didnt grief. I would please like to be refunded. Some of the pictures of the chests that were still remaining. Most of them were destroyed.
BUMP oh and, I can tell he was actually griefed. Doc taking off dia blocks from his island is like taking stabs to his heart. jsjsjs
Even though my post get deleted everytime b/c apparently EVERYTHING i say is hate, DOC would NEVER add anyone to his island besides me and doubtfully me lelel, and tnt, which honestly would never grief..
Correction, I think I found out who. I think its xItz_MaGiiC Invited him once, kicked him off the island while I still had control of my alt. I made sure the alt was off my island, but somehow he griefed me. sooo yah. Note: I bought the alt from someone. I guess he changed the password on me.
yeah this really stinks but it was most certainly a hacker since there is no one on your island party. Not gonna be staff. aem has no staff who would do this. a glitch? yes. there's a glitch that destroys all your diamond blocks. (sarcasm) I hope you get your stuff back and the cause of this is solved
Is nothing going to be done? Sorry if this sounds rude. Now adding a picture because some people are paranoid that I auctioned a beacon.