May be offline when a staff gets on so just wanted to report a new grief. Located in my shop on the wool wall. The glass and 1 glow are removed. Sorry haven't been online as much last few days but just started a home remodel and the owners are wanting to get everything started. Be back more soon!! -Kilr
sure enough, that wasn't there yesterday! Even though I don't see you as much I am still buying tons of stuff from you! lol
Come on guys, its 2 blocks. I am fairly certain that someone could have done that on accident and couldn't replace it. Just replace the blocks back, its not much.
Helpop does actually work. Sometime staff is always busy helping other people and they try their best to assist everyone and try to help everyone that needs help. It just takes time for them to responded but someone is alaways watching helpop. You have to be patient.
Lol I agree, it's only 2 blocks. However, that person might do the same thing on a bunch of other places, and it would get annoying if people had tons of holes in their shops xD.
I was being sarcastic, also excuse the weird bug where it posted my same thing like five times, I was un-aware of it... (I meant it more as, /helpop does work and always go to it first )