CamoElite19: Survival: Within the last 48 hours (14 and 15 May 2015)b]: Griefed my build, stole items b]: Self admitted but I also copied the screen chat: Here is where he admits to the grief - View attachment 2222 Here is where is states that he did to many warps - View attachment 2221 There is no reason to grief and it is against the rules. However, as the reset is coming (today or tomorrow), more and more people are stealing items from other players builds. The logic that they use is that it is all going to be reset anyway, what does it matter. However this mindset would lead them to believe that they should be allowed to grief in the future. If a local store, say Walmart was to decide to rebuild at a new location, would it be legal for people to go in and loot the old store. They are just going to throw it all away anyway? No, it would not! The same principle applies here. The fact that they stole a large amount of items, from many different location (any by their own admittance) tells me that it was intentional. This individual knows that griefing is not allowed and has complained about being greifed as well. He was only told by admin to stop. He was not jailed or banned, this is also unfavorable in my opinion. This is a case of the "Cops" turning a blind eye. We all watched that happen in Ferguson and in Baltimore. Given the reset - I understand the anarchy, however I do not condone it.
Actually that is not handling it - there is more - and if it was as extensive as it appears, that is over 100 blocks just in my area. If he/she did this all over the server, then it is intentional. I know several people that were banned for less than 10 blocks. If there is a standard, it must be upheld, especially if it is intentional and the player is fully aware of the rules.
Why not take this post for reference for his future griefs if there are anymore repeated? What do you think? Since someone already took care of him and warned him about it.
Not cops turning a blind eye, but yes you're right, something needs to be uphold here, and thats everyone deserves a second chance. If you wanna talk about unfair, how will he feel if he's already been warned by someone else and let off with a warning and gets banned by someone else for the same reason he was freed from? Try putting yourself in his shoes.
zRinnn - I understand your logic here and I agree. I guess I am just upset over the fact that I knew this individual and he griefed me because he/she believed that he would not be caught or that anyone would care because the reset. I understand that he was warned, and double jeopardy would be wrong at this point. So yes, the warning would have sufficed. However, he was warned for the grief that he was caught doing at other locations. He was not warned for the grief to my build. Maybe a short jail time (1-5 days) would be sufficient to help him remember that griefing is wrong. However the admin want to handle it, that is fine, I just want one to actually log and handle it. As of yet there have been none on that have talked to me (aside from here). There is also other instances of grief at my build that I would like to log, so that they too can have the appropriate judgment passed. AEM is too good of a server to have anarchy running amok.
Will consider that, didnt know he had multiple griefs. Will handle accordingly. Thanks for the report. Locking.