So it is officially the one year anniversary since I joined the survival server, and I have fallen in love with it. Because its a year, I figured I would do a give away, so to win do this: Post your In Game Name (ex: pottsa19), and post the best thing that ever happened to you on AEM Survival, and then I will be picking the winner off of the story, so if its told better you will most likely have a better chance of winning. The winner will be getting 100 McMMO credits to use however they want to. Thank you (Enjoy!) ~Edit: The winner will be chosen in a week, on 1/21/15 (Wednesday) ~Edit #2: The prize does not need to be only McMMO tokens, it can also be something that is equivalent to 10$ (ex: a rankup)
Hi, I'm William From survival. I just commented on this to say thanks to all of the people that have helped me when I'm down, and I'm very thankful and become happy for that. I know that I've made a ton of bad decisions and a few good ones, and I annoy people very badly, but I shall become better VERA soon.. I thank you, Bird, and others for giving me Items I needed most when I died.. I'm very thankful for types of people like you, and I'm very happy that I play on a server just like this. I've played on one server other than this my whole lifetime, around 2 years ago.. I quit.. And I'm back, and ever since I found this server, I've loved it. I thank you guys again for welcoming me in and having great respect for me, and I hope that yall be good, unlike me! ~Will, also known little as VeraMystic
My name is CadeBoss425 and once upon a time some noob was throwing beans at me, so I decided to drop my dirt, and make room for my fist. I then punched him a couple of times, and snatched dem beans right out of his clutches with disarm. The beans were later made into a grand snack, which I enjoyed with my friends.
My name is Shredder_101 and the best thing that happened to me was that I discovered AEM, the WORLDS BEST SERVER @AlexM850 @EthanM850
My name is theTechkid19 (aka Tech, SenpaiTech), and the best thing that has happened to me on this server is the invaluable life lessons it has bestowed upon me. Ever since I was young, I was taught to respect and love others, and they shall be kind in return. When I tried to use this is my life, it turned out to be a beneficial factor for me, for the most part. But in some cases, it did not. When I first came on this server, it was with my IRL friend, and I was trying to escape a dark past. Eventually, another IRL friend joined, and all was well. But, they soon got pored, and passed on. I was left alone. I progressed, but as I was abandoned, I learned a few things: 1. Greed is a powerful thing, it can corrupt and destroy easily; 2. Stay happy. No matter how dark things may seem, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. 3. There are always others. There are always those who are willing to accept you and become your friend, no matter how weird or lonely you are. Learning this, I have established an identity on this server, with people who have accepted me, whether it was staff (@zRinne @pyrolily @Jerekul @kiroakira @Gluupor @Schelmixi ) or regular players (@JonathanBluesword @Gia @William Cazzola @Pottsa19 @whitenfluffy @Mr_LightViper ). Knowing that I now have a bright future as a smart, happy, and well-loved player ingame and the same as a student in real life, I can live peacefully and successfully in establishing my name in the world. On the off chance I do win, please give the winning credits to someone else, so they can benefit and love the server even more.) Tech.
Hello I'm zRinne ! ✯ Well the best thing that has happened to me is having met all you awesome players. The ones who have pushed me for staff, the ones who have recommended me as well. Everything started with the players and I love you all, I do not need the Mcmmo so you can give it to someone else, just want to let you guys know how amazing you are, the new and old players. Continue to rock ♥ Now enjoy this snowman ☃
My name is cross_knight the best thing that happened to me was I got staff on AEM SkyGrid starting my staffing journey on 8/31/14 !
if survival then the moment i came on cause suvival is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but not as awesome as skygrid or factions
Salutations, pottsa :3 Before I properly enter, I just wanted to say: OMZ THIS IS SUCH AN AWESOME CONTEST (Fangirl) The best thing to happen to me on AEM Survival was, well, actually a player. Penst8r1855 When I first joined (Which I think was July 7th) I had no idea what to do. I tried to ask other players in chat where to go, what to do, etc. But, like a lot of people, I was ignored. So I quit. Then, about a month or so later, my computer which had my favorite server IGN in it broke, so I used my grandmother's computer, instead. Since the only IGN I could remember was, I simply logged on, went to Survival, and tried one last time. And, someone finally responded. (In case you don't know, it was Penst8r1855) He invited me to his town, and gave me good starter items. He was the one that made me continue playing, no matter what happened. And, Survival gave me friends more valuable to me than IRL friends, which I didn't really have at the time anymore. ~XxAussieLoverxX (Until Feb. 4th) <3
The best thing to happen to me on Survival was ZillaSuki. She was constantly helping everyone (not just me) and just being a great person in-game. I really wish she still played on this server though. But yeah. People..... woo.
IGN: enderlink4 My best time on survival was waiting for trusted. I played for a while, and then I got all caught up with skygrid and skyblock, and my friend quit... But once my someone asked me for help with red stoning something, I noticed that like skyblock, there were a lot of great people Every day, I would play for a while, work on my town, and check my time. It sucked seeing that my play time increased by about .5 days each time... But then the day finally came. I was very eager for trusted, knowing some of the perks. Then, I said something in chat and realized that I had a green name!! Many people congratulated me, and it felt great. All I want now is VIP. XD
IGN: nosanelson The best thing that happened to me was: me and my friend had a house together and I was building a vault. I told him to follow me into the room where sand over TNT, with pressure plates on the top. As he stepped on the Pressure Plates, the TNT ignited and he, and the sand with TNT fell. I laughed so hard, if you want to see the video let me know, I recorded it because I do YouTube, but I never uploaded it. XD
Its great to see so much love all around the server, but there is one last day! Keep the posting, and the winner will be chosen around 10 PM (Central Time Zone) Tomorrow!