Hello, As you know i am Topics Aka Greenxander. We as a faction will be allowing people to be as powerfull as us on aems factions there are a few requirements though. The requirements will be listed down low if you have any questions please comment. 1. Must be able to PvP. 2. Have a good reputation 3. Be able to earn trust because we don't automatically mod. The format of the application will be the following; 1. IGN? 2. Rank? 3 Why you want to join gameover? 4. Do you have skype, teamspeak? 5. do you build alot? 6. And how could we trust you? 7. How long have you played? 8. Age 9. Timezone
1. IGN: Captions 2. Rank: Default 3 Why you want to join gameover: I don't have any friends and this would be a fun oppritunity 4. Do you have skype, teamspeak: AOL messenger 5. do you build alot: yes as much as mattlego 6. And how could we trust you: Very much 7. How long have you played: Minecraft: 2.6 months aem: 1.5 weeks
1. IGN: ningastar66 2. Rank: Titan 3. Why you want to join Gameover: I want to join because you told me to apply. 4. Do you have Skype, Ts3: I have Skype but TS3 I might download later on. 5. Do you build a lot: Depends on what the structure is. 6. How could we trust you: You tell me? 7. How long have you played. MINECRAFT: 4 1/2 years. AEM: 3-4 years
1. Jessix3987 2. gonna be VIP tomorrow 3. i would like to join because i came on this server like 5 days ago and i really like it so i would love to be in a great faction 4. i have skype 5. i love building, im also decent at it, it also depends on what ill be building 6. Im a server admin and mod on alot of other servers and im very trustworthy 7. 4 or 5 years s
1. IGN?frostnthunder 2. Rank?Titan 3 Why you want to join gameover?It seems to be a good faction and the only thing i want is a good community arround me and people i can trust so i can enjoy the game. 4. Do you have skype, teamspeak?Both 5. do you build alot?I could provide some of my masterpieces was voted top 5 on creativenet.mc 6. And how could we trust you?I believe tha trust is something that is won through how a player is treating others. 7. How long have you played?2 year on the server 4 year minecraft. 8. Age16 9. Timezone GMT+2
1. Silversamurai23 2. Vip 3. I would like to join so i have something to do so im not bored all the time. 4. i have skype 5. i can build farming stuff like automatic sugar cane farms, watermelon, cactus, chicken, etc 6. I have never betrayed anyone since i dont like that happening to me 7. I have played for like a year on minecraft which is bout the same on aem 8.15 9.pacific time
@Skyler Evans no, bad application and bad history with us. @Jessica We can talk about it on Skype, decent application and you seem cool ingame. @frostnthunder good application and good at pvp, we can talk about it on Skype. @silversamurai23 Right now its a no, because we haven't seen you ingame that much and don't really know you at all. That could change later, so you still have a chance.
1. IGN? : The_Wrinkels 2. Rank? : Supporter 3 Why you want to join game over? : I Work Better With A Team, And Hate Being Alone 4. Do you have skype, teamspeak? Skype Yes, I Can Use Teamspeak If it is preferred 5. do you build a lot? I Enjoy Building Bases, Underwater, Or Making A Small Cobble Wall Gen Base. 6. And how could we trust you? : I Would Say I Already Have Most Of The Things I Need As A Solo Player So I Don't Think I Would Really Have The Need Or Use For Other Players Items. I Am Also Willing To Give Up My Base If It For The Factions. 7. How long have you played? : Few Years On Aem, I Would Say Im An Experienced Faction Player 8. Age : 14 9. Timezone Pacific Time Zone Extra: I Would Say Im Decent At 1v1 PvP, But I Prefer Not To PvP, Unless I Am Kind Of Forced To Such As If Our Base Was Being Raided. I Always Try To Keep A Set Of Prot 4 Armor Ready Just In Case. Thanks For Your Time, Wrinkles
1. IGN? pottsa19 2. Rank? As default as it gets 3 Why you want to join GameOver? I know most the members as my friends, and I just want to be in a fac with them (ie: cade) 4. Do you have skype, teamspeak? Yes, both. 5. do you build a lot? I build on a need be basis, and I can build a good factions base. 6. And how could we trust you? I would have no reason to betray my friends, also its not like I could get into any other factions. 7. How long have you played? Minecraft- Around four years, AEM over two years. 8. Age: 15 9. Timezone: US Central Edit: If need be I can be in large PvP fights, but I prefer to be in a 1v1, or not even PvP at all. However, if you need help, I will help.
@Topics AKA Green Also Once I Feel I Can Trust The Fac And We Have A Steady F home I Can Donate Spawners (Ex: Blaze)
@Pottsa19 accepted @Wrinkles and @MathManiaMan maybe. Its still being decided And guys, remember if you do a good application, you could still be denied. The biggest factor in whether you are accepted or not is how we see you ingame or on the forums.