When I donated to get the [Premium] rank, one of the most exciting perks that I saw was the inability to loose hunger on your island. That was one of the perks that sealed the deal for me. So I obviously later found out that the perk had been taken out of the rank. I do believe that this is overpowered to an extent, so it might not be the best idea to bring it back, but at least take it out of the donator perks list.
Many people have brought it up and i agree they shopuld bring it back tho so more people will see it and donate for premium
i agree with ace that it is op because they dont have to work to get food at all. maybe hunger loss could be reduced instead?
Personally I think it should be put back/added. It's not difficult to get food once you establish certain parts of your island, but it can quickly become a nuisance to be eating food on your own island after enough time. I don't see this as a bad thing since the perk only applies to their own island.
Easy? Sure. Efficient? Not really. Each soup takes up one spot in your inventory, so keeping multiple soups on you limits the rest of your inventory. And if you want one bowl at a time, why not just carry a stack of food with you? Honestly, if people donate to help keep the server online, I think they deserve to have this small inconvenience removed when they are on their own island.
Why not carry food around then? I've said it before, but people who donate Premium+ deserve to not have to deal with hunger on their own island. I'm tired of saying this.
If you want to carry food, I'm not stopping you. I'm just saying what I this is best. We all have our personal opinions.