Fix the shop Fix economy such as God apples and creeper spawners Obsidian needs to be 5 hits again WE NEED ACTIVE STAFF!! Aem factions is dying we need more active players (Off topic but where is this OPprision server?) Alexm850 hasn't been on in like 3 months Where are our donation credits? Mcmmo combat skills: 1000 is way to op don't get me wrong I love a good pvp challenge but when me a VIP donator hops down against a person like @CadeBoss425 or @Heath254 or @Nasty_Nick2014 all having 1000 axes/swords, I stand no chance. Fix the trapped Cheat glitch Amd also the non-opening chest glitch Recently I ran south of spawn for 4 hours and found nothing in terms of claimed bases or unclaimed bases...waste of my time even looking. Tbh the only active staff member is @Evanyoshi and he gets no respect at all ban the haters and fix AEM please it's slowly dying. -stupid55319 <VIP>
Ever since the reset think of how many have quit because of 1.8... THE ENTIRE gameover faction, @CadeBoss425 @Johnnyc29 MED @littlekang @BloodyJT there is a reason it's dying and no one is fixing it.
Don't forget how 1.8 also made TeeqHD's crew and Jbroom and Danny's crew leave. Also former staff such as woopitsme and aCookieGod.
Aem will never be the same. None of them will come back. I won't go back. We all made the decision for the best of us. Alex didn't want to do anything at the time we were all leaving so it was his loss. Even if I got back into gaming all day I would just play csgo. I got tired of minecraft because AEM never reset after we wanted one for 4 months and were told OP prison would come out soon but it never did and still hasn't. It WILL never go back the the way it used to be.
Yep. You have to keep promises when running a server. If you announce the release of OP prison coming soon, it has to come soon. It has been a YEAR. If you say factions is resetting within a week, it has to come in a week, not 4 months. Also, if you say the top 10 voters will get donation credits, you have to give it to them. You have been without wifi for December voters and January, and now March. At least do them late, or have a global admin do it. Voting every day is hard work. For planet minecraft, I had to wake up like at 5am every day and try to go back to sleep after >.> @AlexM850 please look at this, mostly the last part.
As someone not staff at the time most of op prison was worked on, and not that it's a big deal and I'm sure you can't answer, I'm just curious who abused their powers that worked on that and how o_O
@Pip Xanadu my point is that unless Alex is 100% sure of something, he should say it MIGHT happen. I don't like how staff tells me something is going to happen then it doesn't.
Very wrong, but close.. And yes Dansors did pull some sketchy shit, why you continue to dwell on these things is beyond me. We've all moved on from the drama and i expect you to do the same (That is if you can be a mature being and manage that). If you want things to start moving forward here, it's probably a good idea to start moving forward yourself and leaving all the shit / drama behind. I'd also like to clarify something here. This so called "crew" you speak if is merely a group a friends that get together and game with each other, nothing more, nothing less.
@Stupid55319 You're just wasting your breath, the fate of factions is set in stone and nothing is gonna change no matter how many threads you make or polls you create. I tried for months and got nothing for it.
AEM? Fixed? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, yeah right! That's never gonna happen! Yeah, please tell me when it does and when the owner actually gives time to the server. Thank you.
AEMFactions can not be 'fixed' but it can be rebuilt! But they would take time and effort wouldn't it