When people spawn pvp it's easy to escape combat. Someone can just pot rush you then epreal away so you can't get them. Also people just log. When they log and come back online they have a 3-4 seconds to run or relog because you can't kill them during that 3-4 seconds. So a warp pvp could solve all of this 1 it could make it so you cant ender pearl and 2 they can make a rule where you can't log. Because this is really not a fun way to pvp. Logging is truly a stupid thing because the person really can't die unless you hide and wait for them to log back online. Thank you for your time and I hope you think about a warp pvp for factions.
Yeah its not a good thing really... With spawn pvp you can make strats, hide away and flank up behind someone, at warp pvp you just have 2-3 high donators camping it and its no fun for anyone...
Its factions not kitpvp, anyway all that we really need is an enderpearl cooldown and something which puts a npc in your place when you log which disappears after 15 seconds unless you do /logout or something like that. Just making suggestions.
For the people that complain about not having enough pvp there is a easy solution /server kitpvp As Shadow said
Even if you don't like a /warp pvp it's not like you would have to use it, people who don't like it can just use the spawn pvp. It's optional to use
Thats not how it works tho, as soon as warp pvp was introduced on the old map spawn pvp died and pvp all together.... It became a place for camping and logging with too much restrictions when it comes to rules...
I think they should add the warp pvp. Now that there is god apples for voting (for short period of time) i think they should add it as soon as possible i don't like the fact that a lot of people have been logging on me and epearling away we should at least put an epearl cool down.
I do like the idea of /warp pvp, nobody is forced to pvp there, keep spawn available, but that way there is a more controlled environment, with combat tag. Good idea littlekang.
combat tag is there normally anyway I found when warp pvp was introduced last map pvp wasn't as fun it was forced in a small area where you could get jumped by 10 people with no hope of getting out
Okay let me get this straight. ITS A FACTIONS SERVER, NOT A KITPVP SERVER. Look at other factions servers, and whoop-di-doo, they all have no ./warp pvp. Factions is ALL ABOUT spawn pvp, not some small enclosed space where $300 donors camp. People always complain about " pay2win", and if we add ./warp pvp, it will be edging EVER so closer to that section. Do we really want that? Right now, we have a great 50 or so players on at once, ./warp pvp will bring down the numbers like it did the last time. Honestly, think about all the things that could happen. ALL of them.