Hello AEM faction players. Recently I got helper on factions and want to try and make factions more fun for all of us. So possibly this weekend I can host a cool event. And I wanted to hear a few ideas, because you guys are very creative. It can be anything from a search for a chest or faction battles. So please let me know what you guys want to do and I will try to make it possible. Have fun
How about a KB PvP tournament? There could be a serious bracket. I think that it would have to be in a few days, just to organize it. There could also be prizes (In game) for players who play on factions, and expand it to every other server on AEM and offer other prizes for other servers.
I like that idea Evan, that sounds really cool. What kind of prizes would you want to put? Gapps? Armor? Money?
obviously there is no possible way I can attend, but how bout a faction war? Like Uprise vs Reported vs Finest vs Resistance, but everyone can come... Like a massive battle?
I think a combination of Gaps/money/ceggs would be cool... we could have 5 winners... 1st- 20k, 5 gaps, 5 ceggs. 2nd-15k, 4 gaps, 4 ceggs. 3rd-10k, 3gaps, 3 ceggs. 4th- 5k, 2 gapps, 2 ceggs. 5th- 1k, 1 gap, 1 cegg
Well we want everyone to be involved. Not just some of the big name facs. But I see what your saying.
i think it would have to be a single player thing @2002mikey , because what about the players who are not in the factions. But, I think once the announcement goes public, we should have a limit on players, just to make sure it is not loaded.
I like both of your ideas, what im going to do at the end of the day is pick the top 5 most liked ideas and then have players vote out of those
On aem, it would be cool if there was a war. Like a war with only 2 sides. Beandetta+Gameover+Reported should be one side, and other factions can form the other side. Being a leader of the Reported BeanOver alliance, I need to come up with a sweet name. But I can't do it without the other leaders. We must meet up men, and think of a good name! (The brown beans would be good.)
viper. I honestly don't think that would be a good idea. I think it would be unfair to the people in the other factions because they would feel left out and feel like they would be on their own side and not important. I think a better way to do it is to get everybody in each faction that wants to play and divide them up randomly.
Well not randomly. People can just get in groups and the smaller groups and solos could combine to make bigger groups.
beandetta reported gameover vs uprise and finest? But then have a third army which is a huge noob faction?