EDIT: THE GRIEF WAS BY ANOTHER PERSON, I APOLOGIZE TO EVAN552. HOWEVER, THE VERBAL ENCOUNTER STILL REMAINS THE SAME. When I was on today, I decided to fool around at /warp pvp. I was there for a while, with Aussie(CatptainKitties) and another player who wished no to be named. Suddenly, and argument breaks out between the unnamed player and what appeared to be an invisible player, who was soon revealed to be Evan552. Apparently, the unnamed player had dropped his sword because the invisible player had used the disarm ability. The unnamed player politely asked for the sword back, but the invis player refused. The unnamed player starts to ask for it a little less politely, and eventually aggressively. In retaliation, Evan started accusing the unnamed player of flying and hitting Evan, when he had clearly been not. At this point, I interfered, and said that I had seen the unnamed player fly around, but had not hit Evan. The argument is eventually resolved, but Evan continues to taunt the unnamed player in chat, saying things such as "thanks for the sword, hahaha". Things quiet down for a bit, but that's when disaster strikes. While I am wandering through various player shops in a 5 minute time span, Evan makes his move. When I return home, I find that though my town no longer remains, only MY house has been targeted in the grief. Since I know i wasn't gone for long, i fly around, looking for the griefer, knowing he couldn't have gone far. I find Evan552 in warp across town, looking at me through a window. He "crouches" at me a few times, and then disappeared. When I accused him of griefing, he claims that he had never done anything and that he had never seen my house. There were no staff online at the time, so I am making this text post. and a few pictures as well. Though the grief may be small, his emotional and verbal damage is much more than to show for. I also understand that many other players do not like the way he behaves either. I just hope this act of crime is his last on AEM Servers. I am directing this to @Gluupor because I see he is the only staff online that I know goes on Survival. Pictures of grief: View attachment 1354 View attachment 1355
Sorry this is bit off topic BUT I LOVE THEM GUYS! Rooster Teeth/ Lets play BEST youtubers imo so funny xD
Lol really? I've been looking for a constant fan of Achievement Hunter, and I've finally found one! (I'm off topic too )
is the grief fixed yet ? if not what is the exact location of it ? as for the verbal encounters i can just recommend using the /ignore feature to not having to read players of that sort anymore. if the certain player indeed starts cussing or starts being rude in some sort make screenshots and report them on here again.
The grief was in fact fixed, but it was done by another player, hence my apology to Evan552. I will take the /ignore command into account, but it seems to me that Evan552 has a way of getting around this(in NatureFreeze's thread).
Of course I love Ray and Gavin! X-Ray and Vav! But I must say I prefer the R&R Connection over X-Ray and Vav.
i will talk to evan552 / send him a mail telling him that there has recently been a lot of reports about him being rude around the server. still if he acts like that again: make screenshots, get decent proof and report it here again. that way we can deal with the situation better even if no staff has witnessed it personally.
this has been dealt with i talked to the player. if theres any further issues please file a new report. locked