I was casually playing, and brought up the fact that Evan552 was selling his notch apples for over $260 extra. So in chat I told everybody and he started disrespecting everyone who agreed such as "Stfu" or "You're a noob!" He continued this and eventually, because he was ignored by everyone, turned to the donator privileges he had as a donator to get PAST the /ignore system. By doing this he would name an item (Bone meal in this instance) and auctioned it for two minutes, taking up auction space, and bypassing the /ignore system, so forth forcing the server to hear him past the /ignore. Screenshots of this follow: Notice the auctions nearing the bottom.
spamming the auc system with a named item View attachment 1340 View attachment 1341 View attachment 1342
I've had a negative run in with him as well. He's very disrespectful and will spam PMs to you over and over.
this has been dealt with i talked to the player. if theres any further issues please file a new report.