I almost have enough tokens to buy a dragon egg but are they worth keeping or selling? Do they actually do anything or are thy just decorations? How much are they worth? If any of you guys know the answer to these questions or are interested in buying a dragon egg let me know please.
they are pretty much only decoration currently. there might be a use for them at some point but thats not officially confirmed just rumors. im not sure about the value.
Okay thanks guys I have one more question. Can you place dragon eggs then mine them and get them back?
you can get them back but not by mining. they will drop if pushed by a piston or if they drop on a non-solid transparent block (rails, torches, slabs, redstone etc)
Guys u know that dragon eggs on factions go for about 100k there is 1 in the whole of AEM FACTIONS SERVER
it depends, you could keep it as like a trophey or sell it if you prefer money...its entirly up to you