Hello skyblock, today I am addressing an issue about a player named Lasivian. Normally, I would put this under the player reporths section, but I wouldn't classify this as a report. Lasivian is always very rude towards others in chat whenever he is on. He is always in an argument with someone or many people, usually about one common thing. The way it goes is this: Lasivian auctions something for an extremely high price, people say its op, then he sais a snide remark about his opinion. This sparks an argument with the majority if chat, and it really bugs me along with many others. When Someone tries to argue with him, he says "Opinions are like buttholes. We all have one and they all stink." All I am asking is that something be done about this. Im tired of seeing him argue with me or someone else whenever he is online. Hear me out guys.
Yep, I don't act like you expect me to. I totally agree with that. I'm old, and I treat players like adults, I don't coddle them like babies. You are all welcome to /ignore me. And FYI ender, posting this here is just causing drama. If you really wanted something "done" you would have posted this in the player reports section rather than the court of public opinion. *shrug* Thanks
Heres my point. I didn't post this in the player reports section, because I wasn't looking for you to be banned. The reason that I made this thread was to see if you would ever change, though it seems quite un likely.
It doesn't really matter ender, Lasivian you kinda overreacted to people saying your aucs were op (me as one of them) but it's for your own good otherwise you won't sell often and when you do, it will only be ripping people off.
When I say something be done, all im asking is that you lighten up, and try to be a little nicer to people. As I said, a compliment goes a long way. you should try it.
Hate to break this to you Dooley, but there is no rule against pricing things high. If you don't like my prices perhaps you should keep that opinion to yourself? You never see me complain that nobody is buying.
Ok, do something worth complimenting and you might get one. Causing drama here isn;t going to get you any compliments.
So many people are kind to others, give away things, and give compliments. I didn't make this thread so that we could ontinue arguing some more. this is actually what I was trying to prevent. Frankly, ive never heard you give a compliment to anyone, and there are plenty of commendable things to be complimented tyvm.
I never said there was a rule did I? I was just saying to help others and possibly you so you could sell more without ripping others off.
To add on to this. If you have an issue with a player /ignore and /eingnore them. It's that simple. Don't bring up something that will cause drama on the forums.
I'd also like to add on to this as well. Auctions, whether you think they are OP or not, are a donor perk. A donor can do almost whatever they'd like with their auctions. Anyone bashing on someone else's auction will get a warning from me if I see it as NO ONE, and I do mean NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON, has the right to tell anyone what they can and can not do with their auctions. The only exception to this rule is if staff has to tell someone to cancel an auction due to the inappropriate/rude/racist/hurtful naming of items. I hope I have made this completely clear to everyone. @enderlink @dooley10