
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Dixxy, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. Dixxy

    May 6, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    Well, I guess I should do this...

    HI! I'm Dixxy!

    I've been on and off of AEM for about 2 years now, started in creative and got bored... then dropped minecraft for something like a year for hockey cards.... and now I'm back on survival!

    I like star wars, hockey, and just about anything you can collect with some pathetic monetary value and you can find me on websites like www.tradingcarddb.com, www.numista.com, a comic one I can't remember, a vinyl one I as well can't remember, and I think I started an account on a hotwheels site and a video game site, (FFIIV is the best RPG out there, story wise, and I almost dare you to fight me on it!!! Almost because I'm sure SOMEONE out there will... and I'd loose... :( )

    Minecraft grew boring without the option of chatting, auctioning, and shopping, so I figured I'd try AEM again... Now my Fiance will not stop harassing me about the time I spend here compared to the time I spend irl... I am so glad she loves me.... O_o

    Anyhow... we shall see you on survival!!! pm me if you gots questions or you need some supplies, I like to help! Current goal, though, is to top out the /baltop list!!!! rate I'm going... not gonna make it lol.
  2. whitenfluffy

    Oct 16, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    hi dixxy I see you aurround a lot and we talk once and a while but I have never actually welcomed you to the server well because I had a feeling that you where not new. welcome back dixyy hope you don't get bored again wait for me and story time so you won't become bored again ;)