Who are you reporting?: Tree_Killer_ What server was this on?: Factions How long ago was this?: Today [(June8) Monday 11:50 PM] What did he/she do?: General Disrespect / Cyber Bullying; all he does is laugh at player, this can cause player commiting suicide and such. He also teleports to people and judge about how terrible our base is and how his is way better. I do know that Moderators can teleport but they shouldn't judge at the base we built (It took us a long time and we really like it). Proof: Now all the comments are going to be hates because everyone is a Staff follower (follows staff just because they have a different rank). Tree_Killer_ if you are reading this please fucking change your behavior its really annoying. Demoting this player would be amazing, we need better moderators that actually help instead of insult.
Heya dude Im glad you left out all the parts where you and your faction were calling abuse on me because I tp'd to your base in vanish... I would first off like to ask, how is that Abuse??? Its our job as staff to check up on players to see they aren't breaking any rules. Second, I tp'd there and then i told nacho that his design of the gold farm isn't like mine and that mine had 4x's as many spawners on each pad, he told me that mine isn't as good and that he change his for the better, i told him that it was inefficient and shitty. Big deal? Also can you not bring committing suicide into this matter, recently i've had a mate that killed himself due to bullying at school and i do not believe that you can relate such things due to someone calling His/her gold farm shitty. Can you please tell me (Ideally provide proof) Of when i tp to peoples bases and tell them that mine is much better? I've tp'd to you twice, first time the subject at hand happened the second time i caught you using an exploit to build chests outside of world boarder and you're lucky it was me that found you doing that because factions staff before me would of banned you for such things. The only real form of disrespect in this whole thing came from its_jad and thats why he is currently temp banned from factions: http://prntscr.com/7eux48 As for helping people, I am constantly tping to people helping with builds, glitches, sorting to ranks and answering all the questions i can answer... if YOU ever need help you just need to ask and that goes for your whole faction, one can not say one does not help if he has never asked. I also recommend reading over the rules so you can not use 'I didn't know you couldn't do that' as that is not a worthy excuse. Lastly your swearing in your report really shows your maturity in the matter and shows me that you can't be taken seriously especially if you're trying to get a staff member demoted. Have a good day dude
Well, this made my day... First off I have no idea how immature you must be even if some did 'disrespect' your base to become some how offended by it and how it could lead to 'suicide' is beyond me, once again I will always back Tree_Killer_, to be fair you do not see him behind the scenes like I and others do, believe me he does a lot for other people, and everyone deserves to have a little fun once in a while, even staff. Swearing in your player report is just super hypocritical and you are asking him to 'fucking' change his behaviour. All I can say to you is enjoy it, it's a game, Tree_Killer_ is a great staff member and your unsupported posts will not change what he does for AEM, so you should pipe down and have fun dude.